AN ACT to provide for the building a Court-house in Frederick County.
1839, ch.288.
New court-
house to be
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the levy court of Frederick county, be, and they are
hereby authorized and empowered, if in their discretion they
deem it expedient, to build on the site of the present court-
house in Fredericktown, in Frederick county, a new court-
house, a clerk's office, a register's office, a sheriff's office, a
surveyor's office, and an office for the said levy court, in such
manner and style, and upon such plan as they may elect; and
in such building to use the materials of the present court-
house, the old clerk's or fire-proof office, and the office of re-
Levy court
may borrow
gister of wills in said county ; and for the purpose of defraying
the expenses of the said buildings, the said levy court are
authorized and empowered to borrow any sum of money not
exceeding ten thousand dollars, at legal interest, and to secure
the repayment of the same to pledge the faith and property of
the county aforesaid.
Levy to be
SEC. ?. And be it enacted) That the said levy pourt, for the
purpose of paying the said sum of money so to be borrowed as
aforesaid, are hereby authorized and empowered to levy upon
the assessable property of Frederick county, such sum of mo-
ney as may be sufficient to pay the sum of money that may be
borrowed under the provision of this act, and the interest
thereon ; Provided however, that not more than two thousand
dollars thereof shall be leyied in any one year.
Levy court
to provide
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the said levy court he, and
hereby are authorized and required to procure and provide at
the county charge, a suitable house to hold court in, a suitable
house for the clerk's office, a suitable bouse for the office of
register of wills, sheriff's office and surveyor's office, until the
new court-house and the said offices shall be finished and fit
for use ; and the clerk of Frederick county, and the register
of wills, are hereby directed and authorized to remove all their
papers, records and record books into such house for the time
AN ACT relating to Public Landings in Harford County.— 1839, ch. 32.
sioners tc
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the commissioners of Harford county shall have and exer-
cise the same power to establish public landings on the tide
water canal, which they now have or can exercise to open or lay
out public roads ; and that upon the petition in writing of one or