AN ACT to define certain Powers of the Court of Chancery in this State.
1839, ch. 219.
WHEREAS, doubts have been entertained by some of the
courts in this state whether the twelfth section of the act of
seventeen hundred and eighty-five, chapter seventy-two, and
the seventh section of the act of eighteen hundred and thirty-
one, chapter three hundred and eleven, authorizes and em-
powers the county courts, as courts of equity, to decree the safe
of land wherein a feme covert may have a potential right of
dower acquired by her marriage to one of the heirs at law,
and to be enjoyed by her in case of her surviving her husband,
so as effectually to bar such future claim of dower by such
feme covert ; therefore,
Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the several county courts of this state, sitting as courts of
equity, or any judge, are fully authorized and empowered to
decree the sale in all cases of any land or real estate held
jointly or in common by two or more persons, and a sale under
such decree shall pass to the purchaser all the right, title,
interest and estate of all persons, who are parties to the suit,
either complainants or defendants, and if any feme covert, by
marriage with one of the joint tenants or tenants in Common,
shall have acquired a potential right of dower in part of the
estate to be sold, such right of dower is hereby expressly
declared to be within the power of the court of judge to
decree the sale, she being made a party to the proceedings,
either complainant or defendant.
AN ACT, entitled, an Act relating to Foreign Corporations and their
Agencies in this State.— 1839, cb. 220.
right of
authority of
courts to
decree a
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That any person or persons, who shall act as agent or agents
within this state for any individuals or association- of indivi-
duals, of companies not incorporated and authorized by the
laws of this state, to make insurances on marine or fire risks,
or insurances on lives, although such individuals, or associa-
tion of individuals, or companies may be incorporated for those
purposes by the laws of any other state, shall pay to the trea-
surer of the western shore of Maryland, yearly and every
year, the sum of two dollars per centum upon the amount of
all premiums received by such agent or agents or any other
person or persons, for him or them, or which shall have been
agreed to be paid for any insurance effected, or agreed to be ef-
fected or procured by him or them, as agent or agents as afore-
said, and such agent or agents shall annually on the first Mon-
day in January, furnish on his or their affidavit or affirmation,
a true list and account of all such premiums to the treasurer
Agents of
foreign in-
to pay two
per cent,
on pre-
miums to
treasurer of
W. S.