tion, and labour of the poor, and for the good government of the
poor-house, in said county, as to them shall from time to lime
appear most fit and requisite, all which shall be conformed to
and observed by the overseer and all under his control or the
control of the said trustees, under the penalties therein con-
tained ; Provided always, that the said rules, by-laws and
orders be in no way contrary to the laws of this state.
SEC. 11. And be it enacted. That the trustees of the poor, of
Worcester county aforesaid, shall dispose.of all products aris-
ing from the cultivation of said land, over and above what may
be necessary for the maintenance of the poor of said poor-house,
and the amount of the money arising from such sale or sales,
shall annually on the first Monday of June in each and every
year, be returned on oath, and paid over to the levy court, of
said county, to be applied for the benefit of said county.
of farm.
SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That each of the said commis-
sioners shall receive such compensation as the levy court, of
Worcester county, shall consider due to their respective ser-
vices, whilst engaged in the performance of the duties con-
ferred upon and required of them by this act.
SEC. 13. And be it enacted, That all acts of assembly, hereto-
fore passed for the relief and support of the poor, of Worcester
county, contrary to or inconsistent with the provisions of this
act, be and the same are hereby repealed.
AN ACT to confer certain Powers on the Levy Court of Worcester County
in relation to sundry poor persons in said County. — 1837, ch. 342.
WHEREAS, by various acts of assembly, passed for the relief
sundry poor persons in the several counties of this state, the
levy court of Worcester county are required to levy on the as-
sessable property of said county, for the support of certain in-
digent persons therein named, certain sums of money; And
whereas, in some instances it is believed said relief has been
granted upon improper representations, and in others the cir-
cumstances of said indigent persons have materially changed,
so as to make such allowance improper ; and the levy court of
said county being deemed well qualified to decide upon the
merits of the cases alluded to; therefore,
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the levy court of Worcester county be, and they are
hereby authorized and required carefully to enquire into the
situation and circumstances of each of the persons for whose
support they are now required, by the several acts of assembly
passed for the relief of sundry poor persons in the several
counties of this state mentioned therein, to levy any sum or
sums of money whatever on the assessable property of said
county, for the purpose of giving the necessary aid to such of