All the prior acts affecting Talbot are merged in 1834, ch. 304.
AN ACT relating to the Public Roads in Talbot County.— 1834, ch. 304.
WHEREAS, the present mode of keeping in order the public
roads in Talbot county, is found by experience to be imper-
fect ; therefore,
SEC. 1. Be. it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the commissioners for Talbot county, or a majority of
them, be, and they are hereby authorized and required to meet
together on the first Monday of April, in the year eighteen
hundred and thirty- five, and on the same day in every year
thereafter, at the court-house in said county, and when so met
together, the said commissioners, or a majority of them, shall
be and they are hereby authorized (if not already done to their
satisfaction) to describe, ascertain and distinctly record, in a
well bound book, to be provided, if necessary, for that pur-
pose, the several respective roads and public highways in said
county, and to nominate and appoint capable and judicious
persons as supervisors of the several and respective roads
aforesaid, according to the number and division of the said
roads into districts, as to the said commissioners may appear
meet and proper, not assigning to any one supervisor, more
than eight miles of road.
Warrant to
be served.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That upon any such appoint-
ment of supervisors as aforesaid, it shall be the duty of the
clerk of the commissioners for said county, within ten days
after such appointment, to issue a warrant to the person so ap-
pointed, and deliver the same to the sheriff of the county afore-
said, to he by him delivered, within twenty clays, to the person
so appointed, or left at his place of residence, under the pe-
nalty of ten dollars, current money, for every neglect by the
sheriff or clerk aforesaid, respectively.
Penalty for
refusing to
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That any person appointed super-
visor of the roads in virtue of this act, and refusing to serve
as such, or to comply with the requisites thereof, except for a
reasonable excuse, shall forfeit and pay the sum of ten dollars
current money, to be recovered in the name of the state, before
any justice of the peace of said county, such suit to he ordered
by the commissioners, or a majority of them, at their first meet-
ing after such refusal, and when recovered, to be by them ap-
plied towards defraying the county charges ; Provided, that no
one person shall be compelled to act as supervisor more than
one year in every three years, without his consent.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That if any person appointed
supervisor, in pursuance of this act, shall refuse to act as such,
remove out of the county, become disqualified, or die, it shall