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Clement Dorsey. The general public statutory law and public local law of the state of Maryland, 1692-1839
Volume 141, Page 2154   View pdf image (33K)
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work-house, if of sufficient ability, to labour and work, and
the produce pf their labour, he is hereby directed and empow-
ered to sell, and apply the money arising from such sale to
their maintenance and support.

persons may
be commit-
ted, &c.

SEC. 16. And be it further enacted, That upon complaint
made, that any person, from his or her disorderly conduct,
gives disturbance to his or her neighbourhood, and is likely to
become chargeable to the said county, it shall and may be law-
ful for any one magistrate of the said county, if upon hearing
the party he shall adjudge the complaint to be well founded, to
commit such disorderly person, residing within the said county,
to the said work-house, for any time not exceeding three
months, unless he or she shall find security, at the discretion
of the magistrate aforesaid, in any sum not exceeding twenty
pounds current money, for his or her good behaviour, and
more orderly demeanor, during the space of six months; and
also upon complaint and due proof made, by any one trustee
for the poor, or the overseer of said alms and work-house to
any one magistrate of the said county, that any person in the
said work-house hath behaved and demeaned him or herself
in a disorderly manner, or hath refused or neglected to do and
perform his or her daily labour and task, or hath refused or
neglected to obey, keep, and observe any of the ordinances,
rules and by-laws of the said corporation, to order and direct
such moderate and proper correction, not exceeding thirty-
nine lashes for any one offence, to be given to such offender,
as the nature of the case shall require.

Trustees to
direct, &c.

SEC. 17. And be it further enacted, That it shall and may be
lawful to and for any of the said trustees to direct and appoint,
under their hand in writing, what poor shall be received into
such alms and work-house ; and it shall and may be lawful for
any one justice of the peace for the said county, and for any
person authorized and appointed by such justice, to apprehend,
or cause to be apprehended and committed to the said work-
house, any rogues, vagrants, vagabonds, beggars, and other
idle, dissolute and disorderly persons, found loitering or re-
siding in the said county, who follow no labour, trade, occu-
pation or business, and have no visible means of subsistence
whereby to acquire an honest livelihood, there to be kept at
hard labour for any term not exceeding three months; and the
overseer of such alms and work-house is hereby required to
receive any poor appointed as aforesaid to be received, and any
rogue, vagrant, vagabond, beggar, and other idle, dissolute and
disorderly persons, so as aforesaid committed, and employ them
according to the tenor of such commitment.

Persons re-
ceived to

SEC. 18. Ane be it further enacted, That every person who
shall be received into the said alms or work-house and there

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Clement Dorsey. The general public statutory law and public local law of the state of Maryland, 1692-1839
Volume 141, Page 2154   View pdf image (33K)
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