the penalty of fifty dollars each, to be recovered and applied as
herein before directed! to make out and render to the said levy
court, at their first meeting in May in each year, a statement of
their accounts and expenditures, with the necessary vouchers
for the preceding year, which accounts shall be examined,
settled and passed, by the said court, at their discretion.
bow to be
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That all accounts settled by the
treasurer or overseer of the poor with the trustees, shall be on
oath or affirmation that they are just and true, which oath or
affirmation shall be administered by one of the trustees.
where to be
SEC. 8. And be it enacted. That all the meetings of the said trustees of the poor necessary to be held for the purpose of
carrying into effect the provisions of this act, or of the original
act, or of the supplements thereto, shall be held at the alms-
house in the said county, except such meetings as may be
necessary for the settlement and parsing their accounts with
the levy court.
When to be
held, com-
of trustees
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That the trustees appointed by
virtue of this act, shall meet four times a year,to wit: The
second Monday in June, October, January and April, or
oftener if need be, at then disci etion, and for eveiy day that
they serve in discharge of their duties undei the piovisions of
this act, the said trustees shall each receive for then services
the sum of two dollars per day, to be levied on the county, and
paid to them by the collector.
Modified by 1825, ch 10
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That the clerk of said court shall
be allowed twenty-five cents for each certificate of appointment
which he shall make out and deliver to the sheriff, and the
sheriff shall be allowed fifty-cents for the delivery of each of the
said certificates to the persons appointed, all of which charges
and allowances ate to be levied, collected and paid over, as
other county charges are.
A mileage is allowed by 1830, ch 84.
Out pen-
SEC. U. And be it enacted, That the trustees in their dis-
cretion may provide for any number of out-pensioners, any law
to the contrary notwithstanding.
Certain acts
• Ch 67.
SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That the act, entitled, a supple-
ment to the act of seventeen hundred and eighty-five,* and the
supplementary acts thereto, which provide for the poor of
Dorchester county, passed at November session, eighteen hun-
CH 102.
died and eleven, shall be and the same are hereby repealed
Laws in*
with this
SEC. 13. And be it enacted, That any thing in the said
original act, or the supplements thereto, which is repugnant to,
or inconsistent with, the provisions of this act, shall be and
the same is hereby repealed.