That the following persons, be and the same are hereby con-
stituted and appointed trustees of schools, in their several dis-
1st Elec.
Dist No. 1.
tricts, respectively, as follows, to wit : in the first election
district of said county, for district school number one, Bennet
Dyson, Uzziel Nally, James Williams, James D. Carpenter,
No. 2. .
and William Nalley ; for district school number two, Alexander
Gray, William Smith, John T. B. Perry, John Brawner and
No. 3.
William Brawner, of Ed. ; for district school number three,
Joseph us Brummett, William F. Benner, John U. Evans,
Richard Speake, and John Price; for district school number
No. 4.
four, Francis E. Dunnington, Thomas Perry, Lawson Speake,
Elhanah Franklin and Richard B. Posey ; for district school
No. 5.
number five, Walter A. Haislip, Thomas 11. Latimer, John A.
Maddox, Robert Brawner, and Frederick Nelson ; for district
No. 6.
school number six, Edmund Perry, Thomas Lloyd, George
Taylor, Thomas Jones and Walter M. Miller ; for district
No. 7.
school number seven, Richard Barns, Joseph Young, Walter
H. Robertson, William D. Briscoe, and John M. Muschett;
No. 8.
for district school number eight, John D. Freeman, Joseph
Stone, Charles A. Pye, Francis Neale and Francis B. Burgess ;
2J election
School Dis.
No. 1.
No. 2.
in the second election district for school district number one,
Robert Digges, Aquilla Bateman, John W. Smoot, James II.
Neale, and John Herbert; for district school number two,
George Dent, Joannas D. Statk, Samuel Latimer, Philip
Marshall and Absalom Tenison ; for district school number
No. 3.
three, John T. Stoddart, Josias Hawkins, Nathan Harris, John
No. 4.
Posey, and Menehin Lloyd; for district school number four,
Daniel Jenifer, Francis Matthews, George W. Neale, Isaiah
Posey, and Charles I. Lancaster ; for district school number
No. 5.
five, Washington F. Lancaster, Stowton W. Dent, Walter
Wood, William H. Smoot, and Alexues Lancaster ; for district
No. 6.
school number six, Samuel I. Briscoe, Henry Goodwin, Rich-
No. 7.
ard II. Dyson, Wilson Compton, and Frederick Turner; for
district school number seven, Thomas O. Bean, Levi Dent,
Benjamin T. Johns, Oswald Dyson and Zachariah Swann ; in
3d election
School Dis.
No. 1.
No. S
the third election district, for district school number one,
Flezekiah Brawner, Pearson Chapman, Girard Robey, Walter
W. Hannon, and Peter Dent; for district school number two,
Francis C. Green, Sylvester F. Gardiner, Thomas B. Berry,
Thomas II. Edelen, and Allison F. Bealle ; for school district
No. 3.
number three, William McPherson, James Johnson, John A.
Pye, Henry M. Robey and William H. M. Garner ; for school
No. 4.
district number four, John G. Chapman, John Matthews,
Francis Thompson, Francis Robey, and Edward Saunders; for
No. 5.
district school number five, Philip I. Ford, Allison Roberts,
4th election
Charles Wills, Henry A. Moore, and James M. Murray ; in
the fourth election district for school number one, John Hamil-