SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That in case any of the said as-
sessors shall die, or shall neglect or refuse to act, or be ren-
dered incapable of acting before the appointment is completed,
the commissioners of said county shall appoint another or
others to fill such vacancy or vacancies.
Vacancy of
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That the several assessors ap-
pointed by virtue of this act, shall receive such compensation
for their services, as the commissioners of said county shall
think reasonable and proper, according to the duty which said
assessors shall respectively perform, which said compensation
shall be levied and collected as other county charges are.
Their com-
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners, be,
and they are hereby authorized to cause to be completed, the
said assessment in said county, on or before the first day of
July next, any law to the contrary notwithstanding.
Period to
SEC. 12. And be it enacted. That whatever extra duties the
execution of this law may create or impose on the clerk to the
commissioners, they may in their discretion allow him such an
amount as they may deem an equivalent for such extra duties.
tion to
SEC. 13. And be it enacted, That the commissioners shall at
their first levy term after the final completion of the assessment,
proceed to levy the taxation on the said new assessment, as the
circumstances of the county may require.
1827, ch. 145, 175; 1829, ch. 92, repealed by 1831, ch. 164.
AN ACT to provide for electing Commissioners for Cecil County, by dis-
tricts, and prescribing their Powers and Duties, and repealing an Act
and its Supplements therein mentioned. — 1831, ch. 164.
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the persons qualified to vote for delegates to the general
assembly in Cecil county, shall at the time and place for hold-
ing the election of delegates to the next general assembly of
Maryland, and at the same time in every two years thereafter,
vote by ballot and by districts for five persons residents of said
districts, having the same qualifications as are or shall be re-
quired for said delegates, to be commissioners for Cecil county,
to be chosen and elected in the following manner, that is to
say : at the time of holding the election for delegates to the
next general assembly of Maryland, the voters of the first dis-
trict shall elect two persons residents of the first district ; the
voters of the second district shall elect one person a resident of
the second district ; the voters of the third district shall elect
one person a resident of the third district, and the voters of the
fourth district, shall elect one person a resident of the fourth
district, to be county commissioners ; at the second election for