ibis act, shall be valued and assessed at the full value thereof
in ready money, any thing in any act to the contrary notwith-
standing ; And proviJed also, that every assessor shall, before
he enters upon the duties of his office, take the following oath,
Oath re-
or affirmation, as the case may be, viz: I, A. B. do swear, or
affirm, that I will well and truly execute the duty of an asses-
sor, and will faithfully, justly and impartially, value all the
real and personal property which I may be appointed to value,
according to the best of ray skill and knowledge.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the commissioners aforesaid,
be, and they are hereby authorized and required to appoint,
annually, a suitable person, who shall be a resident at the time
of his appointment, in Carroil county, collector of the taxes in
said county ; and the said collector, before he shall act as such,
shall give bond with security, for the faithful discharge of his
duty, in the form and in the penalty now prescribed by law for
the bonds of collectors in the several counties of this state; and
the said collector shall be invested with all the powers, and
subject to all the liabilities, with which the collectors of other
counties are by law invested, and to which they are subject ;
How taxes
are to bo
and the said commissioners of the county, shall be, and they
are hereby required to designate the manner in which the
taxes to be collected by said collector, shall be appropriated.
AN ACT to appoint Commissioners of the Tax for Carroil County.
1836, ch. 62.
One for
each elec-
tion district
SEC. 1. Be it enacted ', by (he General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the passage of this act it shall be the duty
of the governor and council, and they are hereby required
annually to appoint nine of the best qualified persons, citizens
of Carroil county, one resident of each election district, to be
styled the commissioners of the tax for Carroil county, and the
persons appointed commissioners as aforesaid, shall out of their
own body elect a president, and in case of the death, resigna-
tion, refusal to act, or removal out of the district of either of
the commissioners appointed as aforesaid, the governor and
council shall at their next meeting supply the vacancy occa-
sioned by such death, resignation, refusal or removal, as the
case may be.
Oath re-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That every commissioner ap-
pointed as aforesaid, shall before he enters upon the duties of
his office, take and subscribe before some judge or justice of
the peace, an oath or affirmation, that he will faithfully, dili-
gently and impartially, exercise the powers and perform the
duties of commissioners of the tax for Cart oil county, as autho-
rized and enjoined by law, according to the best of his skill