selling of spirituous liquors, on the land purchased and oc-
cupied for the use of the said alms and work-house, or shall
commit any kind of trespass thereon, or shall sell or dispose of
any kind of spirituous liquors or other matter or thing whatso-
ever to, or purchase any matter or thing whatsoever thereon,
which shall belong to said alms and woik-house, from any
poor, vagrants, beggars, vagabonds or other offenders, during
their continuance in said alms and work-house, contraiy to the
provisions of this act, such person, upon conviction thereof in
the county court of said county, shall forfeit and pay for every
such offence the sum of thirty dollars cut rent money, to be
applied towards the support and maintenance of the poor of
Caroline county, under the direction of the said trustees.
&c to
assist trus
tees when
SEC. 17. And be it enacted, That all sheriffs, constables and
othei officers and ministers of justice in said county, when
called on, shall aid and assist the said trustees, and all such
officers as shall be appointed and employed by them, at all tunes
when necessary in the execution and performance of the duties
required by this act.
sued may
SEC. 18. And be it enacted. That if any person or persons
shall at any time or times be sued or prosecuted for any matter
or thing by him oi them done and executed in pursuance of this
act, of of any matter or thing in this act contained, such person
or persons may plead the general issue, and give this act and
the special matter in evidence for his or their defence, and if
upon trial a verdict shall be given for the defendant or defen-
dants, or if the plaintiff or plaintiffs shall be non-suit, or dis-
continue his or their suit, then such defendant or defendants
shall have and recover treble costs to him or them awarded
against such plaintiff or plaintiffs.
Trustees to
be classed.
SEC. 19. And, to prevent individuals from being unreason-
ably burthened with this act as trustee of of the poor, Be it
enacted, that at the time of the meeting of the said trustees for
the poor on the first Monday of April next, and on the same day
yearly and every year thereafter, the said trustees shall pro-
ceed to class themselves in such manner as to them shall seem
most proper and convenient, so as no person shall be compelled
to serve more than two years out of five, the first class going out
at the end of the first year, and so in rotation each and every
year; Provided, nothing herein contained shall prevent any
person from serving as a trustee after his time has expired if he
may see proper, and shall be re-elected, which election shall
take place on the first Monday of April in each and every year .
after the first year.
SEC. 20 Provides that the act shall go into operation on the first Monday
of April next, after its passage.
deemed ex-
SEC. 2i. Be it enacted, That whenever the trustees or a ma-
jority of them, shall deem it expedient and for the interest of