SEC. 19. And be it enacted, That this act shall commence on
the first Monday in April next, and continue and be in force
for the term of two years from that time, and until the end of
the next session of assembly that shall happen thereafter.
Since continued by the annual continuing acts.
AN additional SUPPLEMENT to an ACT, entitled, an Act relating to the
Public Roads in the several Counties therein mentioned. — 1817, ch. 81.
WHEREAS, the present law relating to public roads in
Charles and Calvert counties, has been found by experience to
be inefficient, and the overseers appointed in pursuance of that
act have heretofore been negligent in having the same carried
into effect ; therefore,
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That after the passage of this act, it shall be the duty of the
levy courts in the counties aforesaid, at their last meeting in
each year, to take notice of, and enter on their journal, the
name or names of such overseer or overseers of roads in their
icspective counties, as shall neglect to comply with and pursue
the ditections of the eleventh section of the law to which this
is a supplement, and such overseer or overseers, so neglecting
to do the same, shall forfeit for each offence the sum of eight
dollats, to be deducted by the levy court from their annual
Levy court
to notice
who neglect
their duty .
allowance; Provided nevertheless, that it shall be discretionary
with said court to remit that forfeiture if application be made,
and good cause shewn, at any time before the county levy for
the ensuing year shall be assessed and proportioned.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That every overseer of loads in
the counties aforesaid, hereafter appointed, shall be allowed
eight dollats per annum in addition to the sum already allowed
them by the thirteenth section of the act to which this is a
supplement, to be made out and paid as heretofore.
See 1832, ch. 223, sec 5, by which their pay is graduated.
A further additional SUPPLEMENT to an ACT, entitled, an Act relating to
the Public Roads in the several Counties therein mentioned. — 1822,
ch 123.
to overseers
WHEREAS, the mode prescribed by the ninth section of the
law to which this is a further additional supplement, for
classing and arranging the male inhabitants above the age of
eighteen years and under the age of fifty years ; and also the
sum of money imposed as a fine in the tenth section of said
law, are found to be insufficient to bring labourers on the pub-
lic roads in Calvert county for the repairs thereof, to (he great
disadvantage of its inhabitants ; therefore,
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the passage of this act, the overseer of each