and* for every default of such silversmith, or manufacturer of
silver, and of such assay officer, touching or concerning any of
the above mentioned premises, he, each and every of them,
shall forfeit and pay the sum of twenty-five dollars, to be reco-
vered and disposed of as herein after is mentioned, and for want
of payment the offender shall be committed by the justice of
the peace by whom judgment shall be given thereon, to the
common gaol of Baltimore county, there to remain and be kept
for any time not exceeding the space of six months, or until
payment be made of the said forfeiture.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That there shall be an able and
skilful man, experienced in assaying silver, appointed by the
mayor and city council aforesaid, as assay officer for the said
city, who previous to his acting as such, shall take the oath fol-
lowing, to wit : % A. B. do swear, that I will, so long as I shall
continue an assayer, well and faithfully behave myself in the
said office, and no undue profit to myself take, to the hurting or
hindrance of any person that is owner or bringer in of any sil-
ver in plate to be assayed, and that I will touch no silver but
what shall be of the goodness of eleven ounces pure silver to
every pound troy, and all such silver as shall be brought to me
to be touched, I will truly set down in writing, and the same at
all times as I shall be required, will duly and truly deliver
again, and will true accounts make thereof when thereupon re-
quired by the mayor or city council of the city of Baltimore,
and that I will not assays make of things new wrought, before
they be marked with the mark of the maker or owners thereof,
so help me God ;' and shall also enter into bond to the mayor
and city council aforesaid, in such sum, and with such securi-
ties, as they shall require, for the faithful and true performance
of the duties imposed upon him by this act.
By 1814, ch. 106, the assayer is not to be concerned in the manufactur-
ing or sale of silver plate or manufacture of silver.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the stamp or mark used by
the assay officer shall be approved of by the mayor and city
council aforesaid, who are hereby directed to give public notice
at least once a month, until the first day of August aforesaid,
in the newspapers of the city of Baltimore, of the appointment
of an assayer, and the adoption of such stamp or mark ; and it
shall be the duty of the assayer, whenever required by the
mayor and city council aforesaid, to produce for their inspection
the stamp or mark used by him as provided by this act, and on
failure thereof, his office to be vacated, or a fine imposed upon
him at the discretion of the said mayor and city council.
Notice to
be given of
ment of
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That if any person whatsoever
from and after the first day of August next, shall cast, forge or
counterfeit, or cause or procure to be cast, forged or counter-
Penalty for
ing stamps,