passed any barrel, half barrel or tierce of fish, as merchantable,
shall pack into the cask which contains the same any other
salted fish, or after any barrel, half barrel or tierce offish, shall
be marked with a broad arrow, shall unpack and repack the
same into other casks or packages for exportation or sale, such
person shall forfeit and pay, for each and every offence, twenty
SEC. 13. And be it enacted, That all casks of salted fish
brought to the city of Baltimore for sale, and which by this act
is directed to be inspected, shall be filled up by the owner or
Fish to be
repacked if
required by
owners, person or persons, employed for that purpose, and by
him or them repacked, or repickled, as the case may be, if re-
quired so to be done by the inspector, and in all respects com-
pleted in such manner as he shall direct, for the purpose of
having the same made fit for exportation, and any owner or
owners, person or persons thus employed by them, refusing or
neglecting to comply therewith, shall forfeit and pay five dollars
for each and every offence ; and any herrings, or other fish,
required by this act to be inspected, which shall, on the exami-
nation thereof by the inspector, prove to be falsely packed, that
is to say, the fish in -one part of the cask proves to be of diffe-
rent and inferior quality from the other, or packed with any
improper or unfit substances, with intent to defraud, the owner
or owners, agent or agents, shall forfeit and pay, for each and
every cask, the sum of five dollars.
SEC. 14. And be it enacted, That the said inspector, or his
deputy, shall receive for inspecting every barrel, half barrel or
to inspector
tierce of herrings, the sum of six cents,* and no more, except
as herein before provided, and for every barrel, half barrel or
tierce of shad, the sum of twelve cents, and no more, except as
herein before provided, and for all other kinds of pickled or
salted fish, the same fees as are allowed for herrings ; all which
said fees shall be paid by the person requiring said fish to be
* By 1818, ch. 99, different allowances are made to the inspector, or his
deputy, for inspection.
Allowance regulated by 1830, ch. 140.
SEC. 15. And be it enacted, That all and every fine imposed
How fines
by this act, shall and may be recovered in the name of the
are to be
mayor of the city of Baltimore, by a common warrant before a
justice of the peace, and one-half thereof shall be appropriated
to the informer, and the other half to the use of the corporation
of the city of Baltimore.
SEC. 16. And be it enacted, That the governor, by and with
the advice and consent of the council, shall and may appoint
such person or persons as they may deem it expedient, inspec-
tor or inspectors of salt fish in such other places in this state as
for other
parts ef the
state may
be appoint-