men, residing within the said city or precincts, ten days before
the day appointed for holding the said court, as grand and petit
jurors, and shall return a pannel of them accordingly ; and every
such juror, being regularly summoned, not attending, shall be
fined by the said court a sum not exceeding fifty dollars ; and
jevery grand and petit juror shall be allowed the sum of one
foliar for every day's attendance.
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That all commitments and re-
ments and
cognizances for all felonies, crimes, offences and misdemeanors,
zances to be
committed within the said city and precincts, shall be returned
returned to
city court.
from time to time by any justice of the peace, taking such re-
cognisance, before the judges aforesaid ; and any justice, taking
such recognizance, shall lodge the same with the clerk of the
said court on the day next preceding the day appointed for
holding the said court.
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That any person summoned as
to be fined
for non-
a witness to attend the said court, and making default, shall be
find by the judges aforesaid in their discretion not exceeding
their allow,
one hundred and fifty dollars, and every witness attending the
said court shall be allowed the sum of one dollar* for every
day's attendence.
* By 1818, ch. 141, witnesses to be allowed fifty cents per day, unless
they reside at a distance, &c.
Court to
SEC. 12. And be it exacted, That the said judges shall have
power to appoint any number of constables they may think
necessary for the execution of this act, and to facilitate the
administration of public justice, and the same constables to
remove, and appoint others in their stead ;* and the said con-
stables shall be allowed sqch compensation as the said judges
may think just and right.
*By 1817, ch 190, they have the exclusive right, except, &c. of ap-
pointing constables, and removing them. Constables to take an oath and
give bond, &c.
Judges to
SEC. 13. And be it enacted, That the said chief judge, or the
call court,
and direct
two associate judges, shall have power to call a court at any
venire to
time they may consider it necessary, and to direct the clerk of
the said court to issue a venire for the attendance of a grand
and petit jury as such extraordinary court.
To grant
SEC. 14. And be it enacted, That in all cases of applications
and re-
to the said court for ordinary or retailers licenses, it shall be in
their discretion to grant or refuse the same.
SEC. 15. Merged in. 1832, ch. 273, ante page 1085.
SEC. 16. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the
justice to
chief judge of the said court to attend every day, except on
tvety day.
Sundays and during the session of the said court, at the office
of the clerk of the said court, or at some other convenient room
in the court-house, to hear and examine all persons who may