by a convention of the two branches of the city council, bien-
nially, to be commissioned by the mayor, removable neverthe-
how to be
less, at pleasure, by a convention of the said two branches.
But vacancies in office, happening in the recess of the sessions,
shall be filled as heretofore.
See 1828, ch. 114, as to the power of appointments.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That from and after the thirtieth
Number of
day of September next, the number of electors of mayor, shall
electors of
be the same as the number of wards in the city.* And for the
purpose of accomplishing more effectually the objects intended
by the act, entitled 'an act providing for the appointment of
bailiffs for the city of Baltimore,'t the bailiffs of the said city,
ment and
number of
whose appointment shall be made in the manner of other city
bailiffs, &c.
officers, and whose number shall not be less than five, may
exercise all the powers, be entitled to all the emoluments, and
shall perform all the duties of constables, within the limits of
the city ; Provided, that they shall first take the oaths, and
execute the bonds, (with security satisfactory to the mayor,)
which are prescribed by law for constables.
*See 1832, ch. 206, sec. 1, by which the electors of mayor are dispensed
f See 1812, ch. 194, relating to the appointment of bailiffs.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the mayor and city council
Power of
of Baltimore, shall have power to lay and collect direct taxes,
on the assessment of private property within the city, to such
amount as shall be thought necessary for the public or city
purposes ;* and may enforce the collection of all dues and im-
positions, except fines, penalties and forfeitures, in the same
manner, as is now provided with respect to city taxes. And
Liability of
tenants in possession, shall be liable to the payment of taxes
imposed upon premises occupied by them, without its operating,
however, to alter the nature of contracts between landlords and
By 1830, ch. 139, sec. 3, the corporation may raise by direct taxation
$120,000, or raise in any one year, by direct taxation, and all other sources
of taxation, a sum not exceeding $220,000, and by 1838, ch. 208, $350,000
* 1833, ch. 143, limits the amount of taxes for 'corporation expenses1 to
By 1838, ch. 168, the mayor and city council are authorized to collect
by taxation, a sum necessary to pay the principal and interest of any debt
now due, or which may hereafter be contracted for the purposes of internal
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That in case any person called
upon to pay any tax, due, or imposition levied, or imposed by
of taxes.
the said corporation, shall deny their right to impose or collect
the same, the collector shall not proceed to enforce the payment
thereof by distress and sale of the party's goods ; Provided,