lodged and deposited with such person or persons as shall be
appointed by the mayor and corporation of the city to receive
the same ; and all acts of the legislature of the state of Mary-
land now in force, shall continue and remain in force, but the
powers and authorities thereby delegated to the commissioners
of Baltimore town, special commissioners and port-wardens, or
any other tribunal or persons, touching the police of Baltimore
town, or any of its internal concerns, shall be, and they are
hereby transferred and vested in the corporation hereby consti-
tuted, and the said corporation are hereby empowered to act
under such laws in the same manner, and as fully as if the
said corporation had been particularly named in such laws.
The mayor shall, in virtue of his office, have and exercise all
the jurisdiction and powers of a justice of the peace, except as
to the recovery of small debts, and may call upon any officer of
the city, entrusted with the receipt and expenditure of public
money, for a statement of his accounts, as often as he or the
corporation may conceive it necessary ; he shall see that the
ordinances are duly and faithfully executed, and shall report
annually to the corporation, during the first five days of their
session, a general state of the city, with an accurate account of
the money received and expended, to be published for the infor-
mation of the citizens. The mayor and corporation of the city
of Baltimore, the judges and clerks of the elections, and all
other officers of the city, before they enter upon the execution
of their respective offices, shall severally take the following oath
or affirmation : 4I do solemnly swear or affirm, as the case may
be, that I will faithfully execute the office of —— , to the best
of my knowledge and ability, without favour, affection or
Mode of
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That the person or persons
appointed to collect any tax imposed in virtue of the powers
granted by this act, shall have authority to collect the same by
distress and sale of the goods and chattels of the person
chargeable therewith ; but no sale shall be made, unless ten
days previous notice thereof be given, and if the tax imposed
shall be chargeable on any real property, and no goods or chat-
tels can be found liable to bo distressed therefor, the same may
be recovered by action of debt, or attachment, in Baltimore
county court, in which no imparlance shall be allowed.
See 1800, ch. 85, ante page 434.
City con-
SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That all and singular the powers
tains all
new made
granted to the said corporation, shall be, and are hereby de-
ground on
clared to extend to Deep Point, and to all wharves and other
the basin.
grounds heretofore made and extended into the basin of Balti-
more town, or which shall hereafter be made or extended into
the same, which shall be considered and taken as part of the