poor; Be it enacted, That at the time of the meeting of the said
trustees for the poor in the first week of May yearly, the said
trustees, or the major part of them, in the counties aforesaid re-
spectively, shall and may elect and choose one of the best in-
habitants of the same county to be a trustee for the poor of that
county, in the stead of the first named or eldest of the said
trustees of the same county, which said first named or eldest
trustee shall be, and is by virtue hereof, thencefrom discharged
from his office.
AN ACT to enlarge the powers of the Trustees of the Poor in the several
Counties therein designated. — 1799. ch. 65.
Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
may keep
sioners, &c.
it shall and may lawful for the trustees of the poor in the several
counties of this state in which poor-houses have been estab-
lished, and they are hereby authorized and empowered, in their
discretion, to keep any number of out-pensioners, not exceeding
ten in any one county at one time, and to allow each of such
pensioners an annual pension, not exceeding thirty dollars, to
be paid at such time or times as they shall direct ; Provided,
that no person shall be supported as out-pensioners except those
whose peculiar circumstances may render a situation in the poor-
house particularly unsuitable for them.
Continued by the annual continuing law.
AN ACT to enlarge further the powers of the Trustees of the Poor in the
several Counties therein mentioned — 1804, ch. 69.
tions of
persons in
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That all applications by and on behalf of persons desirous of
counties to
be main-
being maintained out of the poor-houses in Anne Arundel,
Frederick, Prince George's and Harford counties, shall here-
tained out
of the poor-
house to be
after be made to the trusses of the poor, and in case the said
trustees, or a majority of them, of the said respective counties,
made to
at their meeting next after any such application, shall be of
opinion that the circumstances of the applicant are such as to
render a situation in the poor-house particularly unsuitable, the
said trustees, or a majority of them, are hereby directed to
recommend such application to the levy court of their respec-
tive county, and the said levy courts are hereby respectively
authorized and empowered, if they shall also be of opinion that
the circumstances of the applicant are such as to render a situ-
ation in the poor-house particularly unsuitable, to levy a sum of
money for the support of said applicant out of the poor-house,
not exceeding forty dollars for any one applicant; Provided,
that the number of out-pensioners shall not exceed twenty in
anyone county in anyone year; and the money so levied shall
be collected as other moneys are collected for the support of the