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Clement Dorsey. The general public statutory law and public local law of the state of Maryland, 1692-1839
Volume 141, Page 1346   View pdf image (33K)
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of the coqrt two securities to be approved of by said clerk ; and


the heirs, executors or administrators of the said person who


shall apply for and obtain a license, and comply with the pro-


visions of the original act to which this is a supplement, then


and in that case the clerk shall allow for and admit the propor-


tion of price of the original license as remains uuexpired at the


term of granting said license to the heirs, executors, and admi-


nistrators aforesaid, as part of the consideration for said license.


SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this act shall not extend to

where to

any other counties in this state than the counties of Frederick,


Washington and Allegariy.




See ante page 1214.




AN ACT relating to the School Fund in the several Counties therein men-


tioned.— 1819, ch. 182.

School fund

Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That

to be paid

the treasurer of western shore be, and he is hereby directed, to

over to

pay annually to the order of the commissioners of the school
fund for Talbot, Caroline, Charles, Dorchester, Worcester, Har-


ford, Saint Mary's, Baltimore, Allegany, Calvert, Montgomery,


Cecil, Prince George's, Somerset, Kent and Queen Anne's


counties, or their authorized agent, their respective legal pro-


portions of the school fund which may hereafter come into his


hands, iu lieu of vesting the same in the Commercial and Far-


mers Bank of Baltimore, and Mechanics Bank of Baltimore, as


prescribed in the ninth section of a supplement to the act, enti-


tled, an act to incorporate a company to make a turnpike road


leading to Cumberland, and for the extension of the charters of


the several banks in the city of Baltimore, and for other pur-




A SUPPLEMENT to an ACT passed at December session, eighteen hundred

• Ch. 182.

and nineteen/ relating to the School Fund in the several Counties therein


mentioned.— 1820, ch. 27.

for Allegany
to appro-

SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the trustees in and for Allegany county, be and they are

priate fund
for said

hereby invested with full power to appropriate the school fund
of said county, towards as many schools as in their wisdom and


judgment they may think most beneficial towards the education


of the poor children in said county.


SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That all parts of the law that this
is a supplement to, directing the trustees of the school fund for


Allegany county to apportion the said fund towards only one


school in each election district in said county, be and the same


is hereby repealed, as relates to said county.



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Clement Dorsey. The general public statutory law and public local law of the state of Maryland, 1692-1839
Volume 141, Page 1346   View pdf image (33K)
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