county, such sum or sums of money as they may deem neces-
Levy there-
sary to be levied by instalments of one, two and three years.
And it shall be incumbent upon said commissioners to proceed
to the discharge of the various duties imposed by this act, as
soon as the public convenience, in their judgment, will permit.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted. That after the erection of said
alms-house, and the same shall have been prepared for use, the
to move to.
commissioners aforesaid, shall require whenever they may deem
it just, those indigent persons who receive pensions by county
assessment, to relinquish the same, and repair to the protection
which may be afforded by the alms-house, hereby intended to
be established, and if such persons when so required shall
refuse or neglect to comply, they shall be debarred such pen-
Or debarred
sions by county assessment.
See 'Debtors and Prisoners,' ante page 1324.
AN ACT relating to Public Roads in this State, and to Repeal the Acts of
Assembly therein mentioned. — 1794, ch. 52.
The very many modifications of this law will be noticed under the title
of the 'County' to which they appropriately belong.
WHEREAS, the present modes of repairing public roads, under
the existing laws of this state, are found by experience inade-
quate to the purposes intended, and are partial and unjust in
their operation, and it is found necessary that proper persons be
invested with the power of straightening old roads; therefore,
SEC. 2. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
Justices to
That the justices of the peace for Baltimore, Talbot, Somerset,
meet, &c.
Cecil, Prince George's, Queen Anne's, Frederick, Harford,
Caroline, Montgomery, Allegauy and Kent counties, or a
majority of the said justices in each of the said counties, are
hereby authorized and required to meet annually, at the places
and at the usual time for holding their levy court in their re-
spective counties, and when so met, the said justices, or a
majority of them then present, shall be and they are hereby
authorized and required annually to levy, by equal assessment
oti the assessable property within their counties respectively, a
sum of money as follows, to wit: in Baltimore a sum not ex-
ceeding one shilling and three-pence, in Talbot a sum not ex-
ceeding three shillings and nine-pence, in Somerset a sum not
exceeding one shilling and six-pence, in Cecil a sum of money
not exceeding three shillings, and one-third of the money levied
on the inhabitants on the east and south side of Elk river, shall
be expended on the loads on the east and south side of said
river, in the said county, in Prince George's a sum not exceed-
ing three shillings and nine-pence, in Queen Anne's a sum not