AN ACT regulating Fences in Charles and Allegany Counties. — 1826, ch. 82.
Repealed by 1828, ch. 101. See post 'Charles County,' title 'Fences.1
A SUPPLEMENT to an ACT, entitled, an Act regulating Fences in Charles
and Allegany Counties, passed at December session, eighteen hundred
and twenty-six, chapter eighty-two. — 1827, ch. 150.
See preceding note.
AN ACT authorizing and requiring the erection of Indexes or Finger Boards
in the several counties therein mentioned. — 1825, ch. 172.
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
Levy court
That it shall be the duty of the levy courts of Frederick, Wash-
directed to
cause in-
ington and Allegany counties, to direct the supervisors of the
dexes to be
public roads to cause to be erected and kept up at the expense
of the counties at all public cross roads, and where public roads
fork ; indexes or finger boards pointing to the nearest town,
mill, or other public place where said roads lead, with the
names of said places, and the distances thereto, legibly inscribed
SEC. 2. And be it enacted. That if any person or persons
Penalty for
shall wantonly injure, deface, or pull down, any such index or
indexes, finger board or finger boards, such person or persons
so offending, shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding five
dollars for every offence, to be recovered by warrant before a
justice of the peace, in the same manner as other small debts
are recoverable, one-half to go to the informer, and the other
half to the use of the counties.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted. That the aforesaid supervisors
Account on
shall return to the levy courts of said counties a correct ac-
oath; levy.
count, on oath, of the sums of money expended in the erection
and keeping up such indexes; and it shall be the duty of the
said levy courts, to levy such sum or sums of money on the
assessable property of said counties, and collected as other
county taxes are collected.
AN ACT to repeal an Act, entitled, an Act for the preservation of Fish in
Allegany County, passed at December session, eighteen hundred and
thirty-one.--l832, ch. 14.
Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the act for the preservation of fish in Allegany county, passed
at December session, eighteen hundred and thirty-one, chapter
two hundred and thirty-one, be, and the same is hereby repealed.