A SUPPLEMENT to an ACT, entitled, an Act concerning Crimes and
Punishments, parsed December session, eighteen hundred and thirty-
five, chapter two hundred.
SEC. I. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland^
Case of sale
That in all cases wherein any free negro or free mulatto con-
of convict.
vict, shall be ordered to be sold without the limits of the state,
pursuant to the provisions of the third section of an act of
assembly, passed at December session, eighteen hundred and
thirty-five, chapter two hundred, to which this is a supplement,
there shall be allowed and paid, by the sheriff or other officer
One fourth
making said sale, out of the proceeds thereof, after defraying
of proceeds
as compen
the expenses of the prosecution of the said free negroes or
mulattoes, to the officer or officers apprehending and prosecuting
said free negroes or mulattoes to conviction, one-fourth of the
Balance to
the treasu-
proceeds of said sale, and the balance shall be paid into the
state treasury.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That of the moneys so paid into
the state treasury, as provided for in the preceding section, the
shall apply
treasurer of the western shore shall apply so much as may be
said pro-
ceeds to the
required for the payment of the interest on the loan hitherto
payment of
interest on
contracted for the benefit of the Maryland Penitentiary, as the
loan to peni-
said interest may accrue; and the balance, if any, after the
payment of the said interest, shall apply to the reduction of
said loan, as far as said balance may avail ; And provided fur-
Or principal
ther, that if for any cause the said loan cannot be reduced at
that time, it shall be the duty of the treasurer of the western
shore, after the payment of the interest as herein before pro-
vided, to invent the balance of said moneys in stocks of this
Or invest in
state, to be set apart as a sinking fund, to meet the payment of
state stock
said loan or loans, at the time or times fixed for the payment
AN ACT to protect the Reputations of Unmarried Women.
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the passage of this act, all words spoken
words, &c.
maliciously touching the character, or reputation for chastity of
a feme sole, and tending to the injury thereof, shall be deemed
slander, and shall be treated as such in the several courts of
law in this state.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted. That it shall and may be lawful
Feme sole
for any feme sole of this state, whose character or reputation as
may insti-
tute suit.
a woman of chastity may be traduced or defamed by any per-
son or persons, to sustain an action of slander against such
person or persons, before a court and jury of the state, and to