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Clement Dorsey. The general public statutory law and public local law of the state of Maryland : from the year 1692 to 1839 inclusive, with annotations thereto,and a copious index.
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Record of

sick, whether they be admitted or not; he shall note their dis-


eases, prescriptions and treatment, and in case of death, their


age, place of birth, time of death, and every thing which he may


deem necessary ; this record shall remain at the prison, and be


open to the inspection of the authorities thereof.

List of ex-

When absent, he shall procure some one to attend in his place,


to be approved by the monthly committee or directors ; he shall


have such aid as he may require, on information to the warden ;


none shall interfere with the treatment of the sick or the con-


duct of the hospital, except so far as may be necessary to enforce


discipline; he shall examine convicts at their admission, and


note their bodily defects for the direction of the warden in as-


signing their tasks ; when any thing is necessary for the


hospital, he must make a requisition on the warden, and keep


an account thereof, to be noted in his monthly report to the


board of directors; he must make a report to the board monthly,


of the health of the prison, including post mortem examinations,


and furnish the warden daily with a list of those exempted from


labour or reported sick.


The discipline of the prison must be rigidly enforced in this


department, by the presence of proper officers; the patients may


be nursed and attended to by convicts, but they shall not have


charge of or access to the medicines at any time; these shall be


at all times under the direction and care of the assistant warden


or guard in this department; convicts shall not be discharged


while labouring under disease, except at their own request.

The de-

The bodies of deceased convicts may be claimed by their


friends, or devoted to scientific examination, at the medical


schools, or buried in Potter's Field.


Article 8. Chaplain. — The chaplain shall conform to the


general rules and regulations of the prison, and be under the


direction of the warden. He shall attend chapel service every


Sunday, and the Sunday school shall be under his charge. He


shall avail himself of all proper times for giving the convicts


moral and religious and other instruction, and for this purpose


may visit them in their cells on Sunday, and before nine o'clock


at night, and in the hospital. He must report quarterly to the


board, of the progress of his labours, and shall be furnished


with such books as he may require. He shall call to a convict


any clergyman of the sect of the convict, or any whom he may


desire, and afford every opportunity for proper intercourse. He


shall keep a record of the past history and incidents in the lives
of the convicts, and of their future prospects when discharged,


with a view to ascertain the effect of punishment, and he shall


at all times impress upon them a sense of the justice of their


sentence and necessity for their amendment.



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Clement Dorsey. The general public statutory law and public local law of the state of Maryland : from the year 1692 to 1839 inclusive, with annotations thereto,and a copious index.
Volume 141, Page 1276   View pdf image (33K)
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