AN additional SUPPLEMENT to the ACT concerning Crimes and Punish-
Confined to improvements on the penitentiary buildings.
AN ACT to prevent the useless accumulation of Costs arising from the
publication of Notices of Orders passed by the Courts, or Judges thereof,
in such Counties wherein no Newspaper is edited.
of notice of
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That on all applications now pending, or hereafter to be made,
for the benefit of the insolvent laws of this state, where the
applicant resides in a county where no newspaper is published,
and when the list of debts accompany* such application does
not exceed five hundred dollars, it shall and may be lawful for
the county courts, or any judge thereof, or any judge of the
orphans court, to direct notice of such application to be given to
the creditors of such applicant, ia such manner and at such
places as they shall deem effectual, to give due notice of such
application ; and it shall be the duty of the several courts as
aforesaid, to pass a general rule, prescribing the duties of the
applicants in reference to the notice to be given to their creditors.
Right of
SEC, 2. And be it enacted, That in every case where notice,
by publication in a newspaper is required to be made by any
sheriff, coroner or elisor, constable, or other officer, the party
defendant shall have the right and privilege of selecting the
newspaper in which such notice shall be published, and
upon refusing or neglecting to make a selection, the sheriff,
coroner or elisor, constable, or other officer, as the case may be,
shall make publication in the newspaper making the lowest rate
or charge for the advertisement.
AN ACT to preserve the Fish, Oysters and Terrapins, in Wye River.
WHEREAS, the use of improper seines, in taking fish and
terrapins in Wye river, is fast destroying them, and the quanti-
ties of oysters in the waters of said river are daily diminishing,
from being covered up and smothered in mud, by attaching to
such seines leads or weights to sink them into the bottom of
said river; And whereas, the action of trespass is an inadequate
remedy against said haulers, and especially against those whose
names are unknown to the inhabitants, and who frequently
disappear from the said waters, after having touched upon
either shore, before process can be issued against them ; there-
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That in addition to the remedy by action of trespass, the seine,