AN ACT to provide for the Cession of Territorial Jurisdiction at Hooper's
or Barren Island in Dorchester County, and at Sharp's Island in Talbot
County, for the erection of Light-houses thereon by the government of
the United States.
WHEREAS, applications have been made to the congress of
the United States for the erection and establishment of light*
houses at Hooper's or Barren Island in Dorchester county, and
at Sharp's Island in Talbot county : And whereas, this legis-
lature duly appreciating the advantages to emanate from the
erection and establishment of the said light houses, and particu-
larly with intent to avoid the dangers incident to the navigation
of the Chesapeake bay during the night, is disposed to promote
the achievement of objects so much desired by the good people
of this state ; therefore,
SEC. 1, 2, 4, 5. Are directory to the commissioners.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted. That the right of jurisdiction of
the state of Maryland, in and over the land aforesaid be and
the same is hereby relinquished, ceded and made over to the
United States aforesaid, for the purposes aforesaid.
Right of
A SUPPLEMENT to the ACT, entitled, an Act to.enable Purchasers to obtain
possession of Lands and Premises sold by Sheriffs, Coroners, and Eli-
sors, at public Auction, passed at December session, eighteen hundred
and twenty-five, chapter one hundred and three.
WHEREAS, the original act to which this is a supplement,
authorizes the courts in the cases therein mentioned to issue a
writ in the nature of a writ of habere facias possessionern, only
to the sheriff, coroner or elisor who sold the lands or tenements,
and much inconvenience may arise from the death, resignation,
removal from office, disqualification, or other termination of the
authority of said sheriff, coroner or elisor, before the issuing
and executing said writ or process; therefore,
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That in all cases under the original act to which this is a sup-
plement, it shall and may be lawful for any of the courts in this
state, mentioned in said law in case the sheriff, coroner or elisor
shall die, resign, be removed from, or disqualified for office, or
have his authority otherwise terminated after the sales men-
tioned in said law, and before the writ in the nature of a writ of
habere facias possesstoriem shall have been issued and executed,
to issue said writ in the nature of a writ habero facias posses-
sionern to any succeeding sheriff, coroner or elisor, so that all the
other provisions of said law are complied with and observed.
Court au-
thorized to
issue a writ
to succeed-
ing sheriff.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That if any sheriff, coroner, or
elisor, to whom any writ of habere facias possessionem, under
Upon ter-
mination of