Item,--I give and devise unto A. my eldest
son, my plantation whereon I now dwell,
known by the name of Pleasant-Hill, containing
by patent about
acres, more
or less, to him the said A. and his heirs in fee
Devise of land
in fee simple. |
Item,--I give and devise unto B. my second
son, a tract of land lying in A. B. county,
to him the said B. and
the heirs of his body lawfully begotten.
Devise of land
in fee tail. |
Item,--I give all that my leasehold plantation
in C. D. county, known by the name of
containing about
acres, more or less, to my youngest
son C.
during his natural life, and from and after his
decease, I give the same to my daughter D.
her heirs and assigns, for and during the remainder
of my estate and interest therein.
Devise of a
leasehold for
the term unexpired. |
Item,--I give and bequeath to my daughter
D. aforesaid, two negroes, the one called Bess,
and the other Cate, as also the sum of
current money, to be paid her
by my executrix
herein after named, when she arrives to
the age of sixteen years or day of marriage,
which shall first happen; until which time my
said executrix shall retain the profits arising |
Bequest to a
daughter, and
disposal of the
profits for her
education and
maintenance. |