Chief Mine Engineer:
John J. Rutledge................................................................22 Light Street, Baltimore
District Mine Inspectors:
Frank T. Powers.....................Allegany County.... .......................................Frostbnrg
John B. Watkins........................Garrett County..................................Westernport
Stenographer and Clerk:
Miss Julia E. Jefferson...................................................22 Light Street, Baltimore
The Bureau of Mines was created in the State Board of Labor and
Statistics by the General Assembly of 1922. The Chief Mine Engineer
was appointed by the Governor from a list of eligibles prepared by
the State Employment Commissioner. The Act became effective October
1, 1922.
The Act was prepared by a special commission appointed by the Gov-
ernor and supersedes the several local laws which governed mining
operations in this State prior to the enactment of this law.
The Act makes provision for the inspection, sanitation, ventilation
and safeguarding of all the operations connected with mining. Pro-
vision is also made for the weighing of all coal mined in the State.
It is the duty of the Chief Mine Engineer to enforce all provisions
of the Act. He is given the authority to make and enforce necessary
rules and regulations in connection with the enforcement of the Act
and the operation of the mines. (Ch. 307, 1922.)
There was created by this Act in the Bureau of Mines a State Mine
Examining Board with powers to examine and pass upon the qualifica-
tions of applicants for certificates of competency as mine foremen,
assistant mine foremen, and fire bosses. Three examinations have been
held at Frostburg, Maryland. The personnel of the Mine Examining
Board is as follows:
G.M. Gillette Frostburg, Md.; representing Maryland Coal Operators.
Lawrence Dunn, Midland, Md.; representing Maryland Goal Miners.
John J. Rutledge, Chairman Ex-offlcio; representing State of Mary-
22 Light Street, Baltimore.
Name. Postoffice.
Oliver C.. Short...................... ...................................................................... Baltimore
Chief Clerk:
Ann V. Burke...................................................................................................... Baltimore