"Present, but tardy," during the other session, is not shown
in the diagram, but will be easily understood by the intelli-
gent teacher.
The teacher's attendance shall be denoted by entering the
day of the month in the small square under the initial letter
of the day. The blank squares will then indicate the teach-
er's absence.
All departures from correct deportment will subject the
pupil to demerit marks, which must be denoted by the figures
in the diagram.
Each figure will indicate the number of demerit marks, and
will be charged for the offences set forth in the explanations.
These demerit marks must be entered in the upper square at
the end of each day. No more than six demerits shall be
charged against a pupil in one day, that number indicating
the worst conduct.
As the blank squares will indicate full and prompt attend-
ance and correct deportment, every teacher shall counsel the
pupils to give no cause for marking the register; and those
pupils whose line of squares contains no marks at the end of
the term, shall receive the decided approbation of the com-
missioner and teacher, and the commissioner may present
their names to the Board as deserving some special mark of
Each branch studied by every pupil shall be indicated by
entering the figure, denoting the branch opposite the pupil's
Any teacher who shall neglect to mark the register in a
proper manner, in accordance with the aforegoing directions,
or shall permit it to be soiled by blots, or otherwise disfig-
ured, shall be subject to reproval by the commissioner.
It is understood to be the intent and meaning of the fol-
lowing extract from the State School Law, that each teacher
shall keep the daily register as herein directed, and an account
of the books purchased or used by the pupils, and make a re-
port to the commissioner at the end of each term, on blanks
prepared for that purpose, giving the name of each pupil, the
date of entrance, the number of days attendance, the number
of demerit marks, the branches studied by each pupil, the
text-books used or purchased, the amount received from each
pupil for the use or from the sale of text-books and station-
ery, the number of each book on hand in good condition, the
number of pupils that entered school in the Fall term, the
number that entered the Winter term, exclusive of those who
entered the Fall term; the number that entered the Spring
term, exclusive of those who entered the Fall and Winter
terms; the number that entered the Summer term, exclusive
of those who entered the Fall, Winter and Spring terms;
the number of boys and girls, and the number studying
each branch. This report must contain the bill of ex-