pleasure to settle all claims due by the State, as fast as they
are examined and adjusted.
No further clerical force is needed at this time, but should
the necessity arise in the future, the Acts of 1864, chapter 15,
and 1865, chapter 33, under which the present clerks employ-
ed in the adjustment of the bounty claims, and paid, would
authorize the employment of additional force, which co ntin-
gency I do not anticipate.
Respectfully submitted,
Which was read.
Mr. Knott presented the memorial of Freeman Bell, Wil-
liam Lanahan, Thomas H. Sullivan and thirty other mer-
chants of Baltimore city, remonstrating against a modifica-
tion of the charter of the Baltimore and Potomac Railroad ;
Which was read and referred to the Committee on Ways
and Means.
On motion of Mr. Appleman,
Ordered, That the Reading Clerk of this House be paid
the same as the Chief Clerk.
On motion of Mr. Kraft,
Ordered, That the warrant issued by the Speaker of this
House for an election in Cecil county for member of the House
of Delegates in the place of Hon. Henry S. Magraw, deceased,
and the letter of the Clerk of the Circuit Court for Cecil
county, acknowledging receipt of the same, be entered on the
To the Sheriff of Cecil County, Greeting :
WHEREAS, Henry S. Magraw, one of the Delegates elected
to the present House of Delegates of Maryland, for Cecil
county, hath, since the commencement of the present session
of the General Assembly of Maryland, departed this life,
whereby a vacancy, by the death of a Delegate for said coun-
ty elected to the House of Delegates, hath occurred during
the session of the General Assembly: and Whereas, the
Constitution of this State provides, in such case, that a war-
rant of Election shall be issued by the Speaker of the House
of Delegates for the election of another person in his place
of which election not less than ten days notice shall be given
exclusive of the day of the publication of the notice and of
the day of election.
Now therefore I, Oliver Miller, Speaker of the House of
Delegates of Maryland, as by virtue of, the authority vested