To the Senate and House of Delegates of Maryland:
Under, ordinary circnnstances the report of the Board of
Police of the city of Baltimore to your Honorable Body con-
tains a record of their proceedings since their last report. On
the present oecasion, however, it is different. The last report
was made by a Board, two of whose members have been re-
moved from office; and their succeessors, appointed on the se-
cond day of November last by the Governor, are able to state
only what has come within their knowledge since the date of
of their appointment. This they now proceed to do, comply-
ing, as far as practicable, with the provisions of the Code in
this respect. They commence with the commission issued to
them on the date aforesaid :
The State of Maryland to James Young, Esq.,
of Baltimore city greeting:
Be it known that, reposing great trust and confidence in
your judgment and integrity, and decision of character, you
are hereby appointed a Commissioner of the Board of Police
of the city of Baltimore, vice Samuel Hindes, heretofore
elected to the said office by the joint ballot of the two Houses
of the General Assembly, but who has been removed from of-
fice by me upon an investigation of charges against him for
official misconduct; to do equal right and justice, according to
the law of this State, in every case in which you shall act un-
der this commission, and to execute the same office justly,
honestly and faithfully, according to law, until the election
of your successor, at the next session of the General Assem-
bly, or until you shall be discharged therefrom.
Given under my hand and seal of the State of Maryland at
Annapolis, this second day of November, in the year of our
Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six.
By the Governor,
JOHN M. CARTER, Secretary of State.
[The commission of Mr. Valiant was identical in language,
merely changing the names.]