INDEX. 1029
second and third times, and passed, ib.; sent to
the House, 538; returned passed, 741.
Message to the House, proposing the appoint-
ment of a joint committee, to proceed to Wash-
ington city, and urge before the appropriate com-
mittee of Congress the appropriation of twelve
million of dollars, or such larger amount as may
be thought necessary, which shall be loaned to the
people of the South who may require assistance,
Leave granted to report a bill to authorize the
corporate authorities of the city of Baltimore to
appropriate a sum of money for the, 531.
REGISTRATION OF VOTERS—Leave granted to report
a bill to repeal an Act relating to the, of the
State, and to enact a Registration law for the
voters of the State, 8.
Leave granted to withdraw from the files an
Act to repeal sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 11, 18,
of an Act entitled an Act relating to the, of the
State, chapter 174, January session, 1865, 20.
Leave granted to report a bill to provide for
correcting the lists of qualified voters by adding
thereto the names of citizens of this State who
have been restored to their full rights of citizen-
ship, and for amending the Article of the Code of
Public General Laws entitled, "Registration,"
96,; bill reported, and read the first time, 98;
amended, read the second and third times and
passed, 109; sent to the House, ib,
House bill to repeal the Act of 1865, chapter
174, relating to the, and to enact other provisions
relative to the, in lieu thereof, read and referred,
426; reported without amendment, and read-the
second time, 497; read the third time and passed,
559; returned to the House, ib.
BACCO—Leave granted to report a bill for the
repayment, out of the storage and outage on to-
bacco, of monies heretofore demanded and received
by the Tobacco Inspectors in the city of Baltimore,
from the growers of tobacco, 449; bill reported,
read the. first and second times and referred, 498,
499; read the third time and passed, 539: sent to
the House, ib.; returned passed, 599.