Charles and Hamilton Sts.. Baltimore.
(Terms Expire 1924.)
Name. Postoffice.
G. H. Grapp, Pregident........................................................'.....Port Deposit
Hulbert Young, Secretary.. .. . .................. ................ . Baltimore
R. V. Smith ..............................................................................Frederick
Glenn W. Horner..................................................................Westminster
H. J. McCarthy...................................................................Baltimore
The Governor appoints five for four years from the first Monday in
May. (Bagby Code, Art. 43, Sec. 136.)
The State Veterinary Medical Board is authorized to issue licenses
entitling the holders thereof to practise veterinary medicine and
surgery in the State of Maryland. It shall be unlawful for any per-
son or persona to practise veterinary medicine or surgery in the State
of Maryland without having previously obtained a diploma from a
college duly authorized to grant such to students of veterinary medi-
cine and surgery or to those who have passed satisfactory examina-
tions before the State Veterinary Medical Board. The Board is re-
quired to examine all diplomas as to their genuineness, and each appli-
cant not holding a diploma shall submit to a theoretical and practical
examination before the Board, it is the duty of the Board to keep a
register of all practioners qualified to practise veterinary medicine and
surgery or any branches thereof in the State, and to cause the register
to be published at least once a year in two newspapers publishd in the
City of Baltimore.
Name. . Term Expires. Postoffice.
J. Ralph John....................................1924 ............................Baltimore
W. A. Summerville....................................1925 ........................Hagerstown
William F. Loffland................................1923 ............................ Baltimore
The Governor appoints three resident course graduates practicing
Chiropractors, residents of Maryland, who have practiced in the State
for three years. The first appointments hold office for one, two and
three years from appointment and as these terms expire a successor is
appointed for the full term of three years. No two members shall be
graduates of the game college. (Ch. 666,1920.)
During the past fiscal year the Board collected $1,145.00 in fees.
The fees are collected from three sources, viz: Renewals, application for
examination, issue of licenses.
the Board has paid all debts arising from carrying on its work and
has turned over to the State Treasurer the sum of $51.84, the balance
on hand at the end of fiscal year.
Equitable Building, Baltimore.
Name. Term Expires. Postoffice.
Thomas L.Berry.....................................1925 .......................... Baltimore
Raymond G. Reik.......................1923 .......................... Baltimore
James K. Egali...............................1924 ............................... Baltimore