1035 Cathedral St., Baltimore.
(Terms Expire 1922.)
Name. Postoffice.
Hulbert Young.......................................Baltimore
B. V. Smith. ....................................... .Frederick.
Glenn W. Homer. .................................. Westminster
H. J. McCarthy. ..................................... .Baltimore
G. H. Grapp....................................... Port Deposit
The Governor appoints five for four years from the first Monday in
May. (Bagby Code, Art. 43, Sec. 136.)
The State Veterinary Medical Board is charged with the duty of en-
forcing all the laws of the State relating to the health and sanitation
of cattle. It is authorized to make and enforce all rules and regulations
for the better treatment and health of live stock. The Board is author-
ized and required to inspect the conditions at all dairies and if found to
be in unsanitary condition it is authorized to prohibit the sale of the
milk therefrom until the unsanitary condition is corrected.
Name. Postoffice.
Edward B. Mathews. ................................. .Baltimore
Alfred H. Thiessen, Meteorologist..................... Baltimore
W. T. L. Taliaferro, See. and Treas. .................College Park
The Governor commissions a Director, designated by the President
of Johns Hopkins University; a Meteorologist, designated by the Chief
of the U. S. Weather Bureau, and a Secretary and Treasurer, designated
by the President of the Maryland Agricultural College, for a term of
two years from the first Monday in May. (Bagby Code, Art. 96A, Sec. 1.)
Address: Dr. Daniel B. Hoffman, Veterinary, 1826 W. Baltimore St.,
Nome. Term Expires.
Dr. Daniel B. Hoffman........ Veterinarian ..................1922
Joseph D. Whitaker. ........ .Master .................... ..1921
Dennis Hogan................ Journeyman ................. 1921
Charles C. Lauver............ Journeyman ................. 1920
Bernard Bryne. ............. .Master ...........:......... .1922
The Governor appoints five members of this Board for four years
from the date of their appointment. One shall be a Veterinarian, two
shall be Master Horseshoers and two shall be Journeyman Horseshoers.
(Ch. 491,1898.)
It is the duty of this Board to hold regular meetings in the months of
May and November in each year, for the examination of person? desir-
ing to practice horse-shoeing, as Journeymen or Master Horseshoers.
The requirements of said examiners shall be furnished to all persons
desiring to be examined for such certificates, and the applicant, if on
examination shall be found to possess the said requirements, he shall be
granted a certificate by this Board upon the payment of a lee of two