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Maryland Manual, 1914-15
Volume 125, Page 165   View pdf image (33K)
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Name. Residence.
Board of Directors:

George L. Jones. .................................... Baltimore
Joseph N. Ulman. ................................... .Baltimore
Dr. William Burdick. ................................ Baltimore
Dr. Adolph Meyer. .................................. Baltimore
Miss Mary Bartlett Dixon. .............................. .Easton
Miss Katherine McLane............................... Baltimore
Mrs. Katherine Ways. ................................ Baltimore
Mrs. Madeline LeMoyne Ellicott. ....................... .Melvale
Mrs. Helen Skipwith Wilmer Athey. ................... .Baltimore

The Governor appoints nine members of the Board, five of whom
shall be women, three for 2 years, three for 4 years, and three for 6
years, and as these terms expire successors are appointed for six years.
(Ch. 843,1914.)

The Board shall always be non-partisan and non-sectarian and the
number of women directors thereon shall never be less than five.

The above Board is charged with the duty of securing a site in the
country and proceeding with the erection thereon of such buildings as
may be necessary, which are to be built under the plan known as the
Cottage System, and are for the reception and care of white females
under the age of twenty-one years, who shall have been committed to it
by any judge or justice of the peace of the State. The Commission
is authorized to hold such females under such commitments until they
shall arrive at the age of twenty-one years, but no girl shall be com-
mitted to this institution because she has no home, or because of

Equitable Building, Baltimore.

Name. Term Expires. Residence.

John B. Hanna, Chairman. . . 1920 ......................Bel Air
Charles D. Wagaman ........1918 .................. Hagerstown
James Higgins (Minority) ...1916 ..................... Baltimore

Governor appoints three, not more than two of whom shall be of the
same political faith, one for 6 years, one for 4 years and one for 2 years,
and as these terms expire the successor is appointed for 6 years. The
Governor designates the Chairman. (Ch. 800, 1914.)

The State Industrial Accident Commission is charged with the duty
of administering the Workmen's Compensation Law. The Jaw provides,
first, for the payment of compensation to employees injured in certain
extra-hazardous employments, and to their dependents in case of death;
second, for all employers in such occupations shall secure the payment
of such compensation by insuring their liability in a stock company, or
the State Accident Fund, or by proving to the satisfaction of the Com-
mission their financial ability to pay the compensation direct.

A great deal of the business of the Commission prior to November 1st
has been determining just what occupations are meant to be covered by
law; receiving notification with reference to the selection of one of the
methods of insurance, and the preparation of blank forms and other
machinery for the carrying out of the work. Public hearings are granted


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Maryland Manual, 1914-15
Volume 125, Page 165   View pdf image (33K)
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