Northeastern Dispensary, 1224 East Monument Street, Baltimore—
Receives from State $750 for 1911 and $750 for 1912. The purpose of
this institution is to furnish to those unable to pay, medical and
surgical treatment.
National Junior Republic, Annapolis Junction, Maryland—Receives
from State $3.000 for 1911 and $3,000 for 1912. Apply to institution
for particulars. The object of this institution is the care, education
and manual training of dependent, neglected and delinquent children
between the ages of 12 and 17 years.
Oblate Sisters of Providence, Chase Street and Forest Place, Balti-
more—Receives from State $500 for 1911 and $500 for 1912. The
children in this institution are taught sewing, needlework, manual
labor, etc. When they are old enough places are secured for them as
servants in good families, and watch is kept over them until they are
eighteen years of years. For detailed information, address institution,
at above address.
Shelter of the Aged and Infirm Colored Persons, 517 West Biddle
Street, Baltimore—Receives from State $800 for 1911 and $500 for
1912. Receives and furnishes a permanent home for colored women
upon the payment of a nominal entrance fee. For application blank,
address the Institution.
South Baltimore Day Nursery, 509 Hanover Street, Baltimore—
Receives from State $1,500 for 1911 and $1,500 for 1912. Entrance
into this Institution is secured upon application of mothers who are
obliged to work during the day to support their children. In order to
preserve the self-respect of the mothers, a charge of five cents for
one child, eight cents for two, and ten cents for three, is made. Cor-
respondence may be addressed to Mother M. de Sales Leach, Presi-
dent, 609 Hanover street, Baltimore.
Southern Dispensary of Baltimore, 106 West Bill Street, Baltimore
—Receives from State $500 for 1911 and $500 for 1912. The pur-
pose of this institution Is to furnish medicine and treatment to the
indigent sick. Apply at Institution.
St. Peter Clavier Colored Industrial School of Baltimore City, 412
West Biddle Street, Baltimore, Md.—Receives from State $300 for
1911 and $300 for 1912. Apply to institution for rules for admission.
Union Protestant Infirmary, 1514 Division Street, Baltimore—Re-
ceives from State $8,000 for 1911 and $8,000 for 1912. Shall furnish
one bed, maintenance and treatment to one patient at a time from
each Senatorial district. In return for the State appropriation
charity patients for the past year represent 14,384 hospital days out
of a total of 28,266 days, which includes bed, board, medical and
nursing attendance with medicine, etc. Patients are admitted in the
following way: Applicants other than State beneficiaries are ad-
mitted either through the visiting or resident staff; also on their per-
sonal application. For detailed information, address William M. Dab-
ney, M. D„ Superintendent, 1514 Division street, Baltimore.
Female House of Refuge, Baker and Carey Streets. Baltimore—Re-
ceives from State $6,000 for 1911 and $6,000 for 1912, and further
aum of $4,000 for payment of mortgage for 1910. This institution
alms at the reformation of destitute females, who are received free
of cost. Officers of the Institution: William K. Bibb, Superintendent;
D. Hopper Emory, Secretary, Baltimore city.