Fleet W. Cox.......................................... 3d Leg. Dist.
Daniel J. Loden. ......................................3d Leg. Dist.
Neilson Poe, Jr........................................ 3d Leg. Dist.
Edward G. Rosenheim.................................3d Leg. Dist.
Edward S. Stanley.....................................3d Leg. Dist.
Walter E. Smith......................................4th Leg. Dist.
D. Adreon Carrick. .................................. .4th Leg. Dist.
Abraham H. Fisher................................... .4th Leg. Dist.
James G. Leake....................................... .4th Leg. Dist.
Bernard A. McNally. .. .............................4th Leg. Dist.
William B. Wheeler..........................4th Leg. Dist.
Otto Benner...........................................At large.
Robert H. Carr. .......................................At large.
Harry Goldman. ...................................... .At large.
Eugene E. Grannan. ....................................At large.
John L. Hebb. ...................................At large.
Oscar C. Martenet. ....................................At large.
Morrill N. Packard. ...................................At large.
Robert C. Rhodes.. ....................................At large.
Peter Sahm............................................At large.
Henry Stark...........................................At large.
Charles H. Stern......................................At large.
J. McKenny White. ...................................At large.
(Term expires May 4, 1908. One appointed.)
Charles H. Heuisler. ..................................At large.
(All terms expire May 4, 1908.) The Governor, with consent of the
Senate, appoints one hundred and forty-five, fifteen of whom may be
Barrett, Miss Florence...............33 South Gay Street.
Blondell, Miss Teresa M.............408 St. Paul Street.
Collins, Miss Josephine L............ 1429 Pennsylvania Avenue.
Fusting, Miss M. Caroline. ......... .Calvert Building.
Frinke, Miss Louisa.................75 Gunther Building.
Funk, Miss Mamie F. ........ ....... 106 East Saratoga Street.
High, Miss Ethel.................... Maryland Loan Company.
Jennison, Miss Mary E....... .......107 Gaither Building.
Loane, Miss Emma F................1716 West Lexington Street.
Magraw, Miss Mary M.............. 715 Equitable Building.
McCarthy, Miss Virginia M.. .......2433 Madison Avenue.
Osing, Miss Blanche E..............405 West Fayette Street.
Reik, Miss Mary E........... .......Johns Hopkins Hospital.
Ackler, William F...................706 Continental Building.
Adams, Howard D................. .622 Equitable Building.
Alien, Brown M....................310 Presstman Street.
Axtell, Fred. S............... ...... .Fidelity Building.
Ball, Pierre J. G....................612 Aisquith Street.
Barrett, Frank M................... 11 East Saratoga Street.
Bash, Edward L... ....... ........... 17 West Twentieth Street.
Berry, James W.....................225 St. Paul Street.
Berry, Jasper, M., Jr................225 St. Paul Street.