Maryland Agricultural College, College Park.
Maryland Asylum and Training School for Feeble-Minded.
Maryland General Hospital of Baltimore city.
Maryland Home for Friendless Colored Children.
Maryland Homeopathic Hospital.
Maryland Hospital for the Insane, Catonsville,
Maryland Industrial and Agricultural Institute for Colored Youths.
Maryland Institute for the Promotion of the Mechanic Arts.
Maryland Line Confederate Soldiers' Home at Pikesville.
Maryland Lying-In Hospital.
Maryland Medical College.
Maryland Militia.
Maryland School for the Blind.
Maryland School for the Blind and Deaf (Colored).
Maryland School for the Deaf and Dumb at Frederick city.
McDonogh Institute of Laplata.
National Junior Republic.
New Windsor College.
Northeastern Day Nursery.
Northeastern Dispensary.
Nursery and Child's Hospital.
Oblate Sisters of Providence,
Peninsula General Hospital of Salisbury.
Princess Anne Academy.
Provident General Hospital and Free Dispensary of Baltimore city.
State Normal School of Baltimore city.
St. Agnes' Hospital of Baltimore City for Colored Children.
St. Elizabeth's Home for Colored Children.
St. Francis Xavier's School for Deaf and Dumb.
St. John's College, Annapolis.
St. Joseph's Hospital of Baltimore city.
St. Joseph's House of Industry.
St. Martha's Episcopal Home.
St. Mary's Female Orphan Asylum of Baltimore city.
St. Mary's Home for Little Colored Boys.
St. Mary's Industrial School.
St. Mary's Seminary of St. Mary's county.
St. Peter's Clavier's Colored Industrial School.
St. Vincent's infant Asylum.
St. Vincent's Male Orphan Asylum.
Salisbury Home for the Aged.
Silver Cross Home for Epileptics.
Shelter for Aged and Infirm Colored Persons.
Springfield State Hospital for the Insane.
Southern Dispensary of Baltimore city.
Southern Homeopathic Medical College.
Union Hospital of Cecil county.
Union Protestant infirmary.
United Charities Hospital Association of Dorchester county.
University of Maryland Lying-in Hospital.
University of Maryland School of Medicine, Faculty of Physic.
University of Maryland Hospital.
Washington College, Chestertown.
Western Maryland College, Westminster.
West-End Maternite Hospital.
Women's College of Frederick.
Women's Medical College.
Washington County Hospital Association.
Upper Marlborough Academy,