Name. Office. Term Expires.
1st... .Marcus Ritgart. ........................................ .1906
2nd.... C. Charles Friedel—Police Justice to alternate with M.
N. Packard at Eastern Station ........................ 1906.
3rd. .. .Jacob Rab. ........................................... ...1906
4th. .. .James B. Loane ........................................ 1906
5th. .. .Simon Buckner. ........................................ .1906
6th. .. .Frank Meehan ......................................... .1906
7th.... George M. Johnson ..................................... 1906
8th. .. .William R. Llewellyn ................................... 1906
9th. . . .William D. Gould ..................................... ..1906
10th. .. .Howell C. Brown ...................................... .1906
11th. .. .Ward P. Littig— Police Justice to alternate with H. Gold-
man at Northwestern Station. ........................ .1906
12th. .. .Wilmer Emory ......................................... 1906
13th. . . .Frank Driscoll ......................................... 1906
14th. .. .Charles H. Stern ..................................... ...1906
15th. .. .James F. Gurry ........................................ .1906
16th. ...Walter H. Harrison, Jr................................. .1906
17th. .. .David E. Mchlinger. .................................... .1906
18th... .Randolph R. Warfield ................................ ...1906
19th. , . .James M. Correll ....................................... 1906
20th. . . .John Gensler .......................................... .1906
2ist. .. .Daniel Bride ........................................... .1906
22nd... .Julius G. J. Gude ...................................... .1906
23rd... .Charles Reviol ....................................... ...1906
24th.... Martin G. Kenney ....................................... 1906
1st Leg. Dist., Harry C. Mathieu ............................... 1906
1st Leg. Dist., David B. Grothaus.............................. 1906
1st Leg. Dist., William McCawley .............................. 1906
1st Leg. Dist., John T. Ochs—Police Justice to alternate with
J. B. Keplinger at Northeastern Station .............1906
1st Leg. Dist., E. Key Buchanan ................................ 1906
1st Leg. Dist., Simon L. Felber ................................. 1906
2nd Leg. Dist., William H. Watson ..............................1906
2n Leg. Dist., John B. Keplinger—Police Justice to alternate
with J. T. Ochs at Northeastern Station .............1906
2nd Leg. Dist., David H. Lucchisi ............................... 1906
2nd Leg. Dist., Henry T. Daly ..................................1906
2nd Leg. Dist., Oscar C. Martenet .............................. 1906
3rd Leg. Dist., Daniel J. Loden, Western Station................ 1906
3rd Leg. Dist., Fleet W. Cox—Police Justice to alternate with
J. G. Leake at Southern Station .................... 1906
3rd Leg. Dist., Edward G. Rosenheim........................... 1906
3rd Leg. Dist., Neilson Poe, Jr.—Police Justice at Large, alternates
with Robert H. Carr. ............................... .1906
3rd Leg. Dist., Robert W. Beach—Police Justice to alternate with
H. M. Hutton at Southwestern Station............... 1906
3rd Leg. Dist., Abraham H. Fisher.............................. 1906
4th Leg. Dist., Henry Stark ....................................1906
4th Leg. Dist., William B. Wheeler .............................1906
4th Leg. Dist., Frank A. Brandy ................................ 1906
4th Leg. Dist., D. Adrian Carrick ...............................1906
4th Leg. Dist., Anthony Dimarco ................................1906
4th Leg. Dist., James G. Leake—Police Justice to alternate with
F. W. Cox at Southern Station ......................1906