Lying-in Hospital of the Maternite of Maryland receives under
Chapter 512, 1902, $3,000 for the year 1903 and $3,000 for the year 1904
Maccabeans of Baltimore City receive under Chapter 512, 1002, $250
for 1903 and $250 for 1904.
Maryland Homeopathic Hospital and Free Dispensary of Balti-
more City receives $3,000 for the year 1903 and $3,000 for the year 1904.
(Chapter 512, 1902). It is located at 323 North Paca street. Ten free
beds. Apply to John B. Van Meter, President; Thos. Schweckbebier,
Maryland Lying-in Hospital for Baltimore City receives $3,000 for
the year 1903 and $3,000 for the year 1904. (Chapter 512, 1902). It is
located at 113-115 West Lombard street. Women are received two
weeks before confinement. No charges. Apply to Wilmer Brinton,
Maryland and Normal and Preparatory School at LaPlata, Charles
County, on such terms and conditions as they prescribe, $l,ooo for
1903 and $i,ooo for 1904.
Maryland School for the Deaf and Dumb, at Frederick City,
receives under Chapter 343, 1902, $25,000 and $5,840 for repairs and
heating and lighting; also under Chapter 512, 1902, receives $2,ooo for
repairs. This is a public school for the deaf and dumb of the State,
and is supported entirely by the State. The aim.of the school is to
give a good education in the branches of knowledge taught in the
public schools. Manual training is also provided for. The County
Commissioners and City Council of Baltimore recommend admissions to
the institution. (Code, Article 30, Section l). Apply to Charles M.
Ely, President.
Maryland Medical College receives under Chapter 512, 1902, $l,ooo
for the year 1003 and $i,ooo for the year 1904, provided that the course
be extended to four years.
The Maryland Hospital for the Insane is one of the State institu-
tions for the care of the insane. It is located at Catonsville, Baltimore
County. The hospital receives an appropriation of $25,000 for 1903,
and under Chapter 512, 1902, $lo,ooo for 1903 and $lo,ooo for 1904.
Springfield State Hospital for the Insane of the State of Maryland
receives under Chapter 345, 1902, $36,000 for the year 1903.
Maryland School for the Colored Blind and Deaf receives under
Chapter 345, 1902, $io,ooo per annum. It is free to residents of Mary-
land. Apply to F. D. Morrison, Superintendent, 649 West Saratoga
street, Baltimore.
Maryland Asylum and Training School for Feeble Minded receives
under Chapter 345, 1902, $15,000 for maintenance and $10,883 to pay
debt now due. Persons of either sex admitted between the ages of
seven and seventeen. Apply to Dr. Frank Keating, Superintendent,
Owings Mills, Baltimore county, Md.
Maryland General Hospital, Linden avenue, near Madison street, Bal-
timore, receives $5,000 for the year 1903 and $5,000 for the year 1904.
(Chapter 512, 1902). It is required to furnish a free bed for each Sena-
torial district. Apply to Robert W. Johnson, President, or Duncan
McCalman, Resident Physician.
Maryland Line Confederate Soldiers' Home at Pikesville receives an
appropriation from the State of $12,000 for 1903 and $12,000 for 1904.
(Chapter 512, 1902). Applicants for admission must present satisfac-
tory evidence of their honorable record in the Confederate service and