of the Northwestern Life Insurance Company of Milwaukee,
and continues to represent that company in Delaware and the
Eastern Shore of Maryland. He served in the Senate of 1896
and 1898, but resigned during the latter session to become
Special Deputy Collector of Customs at Baltimore. Contrary
to his wishes he accepted the nomination to the House of
Delegates and was elected.
JOSEPH MUIR, Republican.
Joseph Muir, a merchant of Fairmount, was born in 1855
and educated in the public schools. Mr. Muir is secretary
and treasurer of Fairmount Academy, and in 1899 was elected
County Commissioner. He is a member of the M. E.. Church.
W. T. GILES, Democrat.
Mr. Giles is a prominent lawyer of Princess Anne; about
thirty-six years of age. At the age of nineteen he graduated
from Baton & Burnett's Business College, and after teaching
several years was appointed to a clerkship in the Baltimore
Customhouse. While there he studied law and graduated in
1890, receiving the degree of L.L.B. Mr. Giles is a State
Lecturer of the W. M. A. and a member of the I.O. R. M.
TALBOT COUNTY— Three Members.
W. H. MYERS, Democrat.
Mr. Myers resides at "Plinhimmon," the old homestead of
the late Gen. Tench Tilghman, which his father purchased
some years ago. He is a progressive and up-to-date farmer,
having for the past fifteen years had exclusive control of his
father's extensive farming interests. Mr. Myers was born
near Oxford in 1866, and takes an active interest in the oyster
and fish industries of that section, thus being well qualified
to protect the interests of his constituents. Mr. Myers is a
conservative Democrat.
Mr. Callahan is a farmer. He was born near Skipton,
Talbot County, in 1859, and except for three years spent in
Queen Anne's County he has lived in Talbot all his life. He
married Miss Gannon, of Talbot, and they have four sons
and four daughters. Their residence is the well known
Hackett farm near Skipton. Mr. Callahan comes of a promi-
nent old Democratic family, and his ancestors were among
the leading people. He was Democratic County Commis-