JOHN G. ROGERS, Democrat.
Mr. Rogers comes to the General Assembly with experi-
ence in legislation, having been Senator in 1802 and 1894.
He has been School Commissioner, Examiner and Secretary,
and in 1894 was nominated for Congress, but defeated. He
resides on his farm, the cultivation of which he personally
directs. He was educated at West River Institute, and later
attended the University of Virginia, taking both academic and
law courses. He is now practicing law in Ellicott City.
W. H. FORSYTHE, JR., Democrat. .
Mr. Forsythe is one of the youngest members of the House.
He graduated from Western Maryland in 1894, receiving the
degree of B A., and two years after M.A. He subsequently
took a special course at the Hopkins, and also a course at the
University of Maryland in 1897. In the same.year he was
admitted to the bar, and practices both in the county and Bal-
timore. Mr. Forsythe is counsel for several corporations and
director of the Sykesville Bank.
KENT COUNTY— Two Members.
Mr. Kendall's re-election to the House confirms his popu-
larity and the confidence in his ability which his constituents
repose in him. He is a large contractor and builder, having
taken a comprehensive course in practical mechanics. In
1880 he was appointed census enumerator, and in 1896 district
assessor. He is a member of Fairlee Conclave, JR. O. U. A. M.,
trustee of school, and surveyor for Mutual Fire Insurance
Company of Kent County.
THOMAS W. TREW, Republican.
Mr. Trew is a representative young man of the county,
coming from one of the oldest and best families. He is a
most successful farmer, having under his supervision about
six hundred acres of land in a high state of cultivation. He
is a native of Kent County, about forty years of age.
W. A. JOHNSTON, Democrat.
Mr. Johnston, a Washington lawyer, was born in 1865.
After leaving Dartmouth College he studied law in Washing-