Harvard County—WILLIAM B. PETER, Democrat.
Mr. Peter was born in Jefferson county, Va., in 1847.
He was taken, as a child, by his father, the late Major
George Washington Peter, to Howard county. He served
in the State Senate during the sessions of 1888 and 1890,
and in the latter session was president pro tem. He was
recognized as one of the best parliamentarians in the Senate.
He had long previous clerical service in the Legislature.
At home, among his neighbors, he has always had friends
warmly attached to him, and, although known as a "regular"
in politics, he has many admirers among independent voters.
Kent County—JAS. H. BAKER, Republican.
Mr. Baker is an extensive farmer, fruit grower and breeder
of fine stock. He was born on the old Baker homestead,
near Pomona, Kent county, December 5, 1839. He com-
pleted his education at Washington College, Chestertown,
and is considered one of Kent's model farmers. In 1887, he
was the nominee for the House of Delegates and enjoyed the
distinction of being the first Republican ever elected in Kent
county to that position. In 1895, he was again chosen as one
of the representatives of his county in the State Legislature.
The Baker family are descendants of early settlers in Kent
county, and Bakerville (now Pomona) was named in their
Montgomery County—WILLIAM VIERS BOUIC, Democrat.
William Viers Boule is a native of Montgomery county,,
having been born near Rockville, in July, 1846, and is the
only son of the late Judge William Viers Bouic. He was
educated at the Rockville Academy and Columbian Univer-
sity, Washington, from which latter institution he gradu-
ated in 1867. He was admitted to the bar in 1870. In
1892, Mr. Bouic was a presidental elector, and was Mayor of
Rockville for several terms. He was elected to the State
Senate in 1897.
Prince George's County—WILLIAM B. CLAGETT, Democrat.
William B. Clagett is a native of Prince George's. He is
about forty-six years old, and is a son of the late Charles
Clagett. In 1894, Mr. Clagett came within one vote of the
Democratic nomination for Congress from the fifth district.
During the administration of Governor Brown, he was one
of the State Tobacco Inspectors. He was elected to the State
Senate in 1897.