KENT COUNTY-2 Delegates.
James H. Baker.
James H. Baker, Republican, from Kent county, is a success-
ful farmer and extensive raiser of fine stock. He is a son of the
late Francis Baker, and was born in 1839, on the farm four miles
from Chestertown, which he now occupies, and he has made one
of the finest estates in Kent county. His education was acquired
at the public schools and at Washington College, which institu-
tion he left in 1856. In 1887 he was elected to the House of
Delegates, defeating Lewis C. Justis, Jr. Four years ago he
was defeated for the State Senate by William T. Hepbron, but
this year was returned elected to the House by a safe majority
over Philip G. Wilmer. Mr. Baker is a member of Bond Metho-
dist Episcopal Church, in Quaker Neck. He has three children,
two girls and a son, J. Henry Baker, a member of the law firm
of Baker, Leach & Tucker, Baltimore.
He is a member of the committee on organization, chairman
committee on agriculture, on pensions, on Chesapeake bay and
its tributaries.
John P. Nicholson.
John P. Nicholson, Democrat, is a farmer, fruit-grower and
raiser of truck. He was born near Delaware City, Delaware, in
1844, and in the following year removed with his parents to
Kent. He has always taken a lively interest in Democratic
politics, though in no sense a politician. He had never accepted
a nomination until this year. He is a member of the Methodist
church and has a wife and two children. His education was
acquired in the public schools of Kent county.
He is a member of the committee on roads and highways, on
immigration, on insolvency.
E. C. Etchison, M. D.
E. C. Etchison, Democrat, is a practicing physician of Gaithers-
burg. He was born near Damascus, Montgomery county, in
1848; was educated at the public schools, and taught school for
a number of years. While teaching he took up the study of
medicine and entered the University of Maryland, from which
he was graduated in 1874. He commenced the practice of his
profession in Gaithersburg, which he has continued uninter-
ruptedly for more than twenty years. He has been elected
mayor of Gaithersburg four times. He was a member of the
last Legislature.