No. 2. |
Assented to
Jan. 25,1867. |
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the Comptroller be and is hereby directed to
proceed without delay to adjust and settle the
claims of the Maryland soldiers for bounty, and
that of the former owners of slaves, as provided
in the Acts of the General Assembly in reference
thereto, and that he inform this House what addi-
tional clerical force is necessary to be authorized,
if any, to accomplish the settlement of said
claims. |
No. 3. |
Assented to
Feb. 21,1867. |
Resolved by the General assembly of Maryland,
First, That to prevent anarchy, confusion and
irregular, unauthorized government, it is expe-
dient that proposals to create or to alter and
amend a Constitution should emanate from the
Second, That the power of the Legislature at
any time to refer to the people questions concern-
ing the organic law cannot be constitutionally
limited, inasmuch as any limitation would deprive
them of the power enunciated in the second Arti-
cle of the Bill of Rights as inalienable; and inas-
much as the Constitution might defer amendments
to remote future time, or might render them im-
possible, and that one generation cannot in this
manner bind future generations.
Third, That, subject to the limitation of the
first Resolution, the people can at any time change
or alter the organic Constitutional law, but that
any attempt to do so by irregular, unauthorized
action, by a portion of the people would be of dan-
gerous tendency and consequences. |