itary fund, showing all the sources and districts
from which it may be derived, and whether paid
as commutation or as a fine or penalty, and all
fines and penalties imposed by civil courts or Jus-
tices of the Peace for any violation of the injunc-
tion of any portion of this Act shall be deemed to
be a portion of the military fund and shall be col-
lected and accounted for as such. |
tion. |
25. The sum of twenty-five thousand dollars is
hereby appropriated to enable the Governor to
carry into effect the several provisions of this Act,
which sum shall be loaned out of any moneys not
otherwise appropriated in the Treasury of the
State, to be returned the Treasury as soon as the
state of the military fund will permit, and the
Governor, as Commander-in-Chief, is hereby fully
authorized to apply the said fund as will in his
judgment best effectuate the several purposes of
this Act. |
Oath to be
taken by Offi-
cers. |
26. All officers of the militia shall take in such
manner as the Commander-in-Chief may direct
the following oath or affirmation before receiving
a commission or be qualified to act: "I do swear
(or affirm) that I will bear true allegiance to
the State of Maryland and support the Consti-
tution and laws thereof, and that I will bear
true allegiance to the United States and sup-
port, protect and defend the Constitution and
laws thereof as the supreme law of the land;
and I do further swear (or affirm) that I will
to the best of my ability protect and defend the
Union of the United States and not allow the
fame to be broken up or dissolved or the Govern-
ment thereof to be destroyed under any circum-
stances if in my power to prevent it, and that 1 will
at all times discountenance and oppose all political
combinations having for their object such dissolu-
tion or destruction, so help me God." |
In force. |
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That this Act shall
take effect from the date of its passage. |