court of appeals upon general ticket, and the
house had taken a recess, I passed by where
my colleague (Mr. Thomas) was bundling up
his papers, and said to him—" Well, I suppose
that virtually defeats your amendment." He
replied—" Well, I don't care much about it."
Whether he understood me or not, I do not
know. I did not say that he intended to with-
draw his amendment, but merely not to press
it. And I stated then that I did not wish that
to have any influence upon the house.
Mr. MILLER. This order requires the special
committee to report ajudiciary system entire,
including the court of appeals and everything
else; the present judiciary system except such
as has been adopted by this body. If they
report under that order, they must go from
A to Izzard, to get the whole thing in.
Mr. STIRLING. I would suggest to the gen-
tleman from Baltimore county (Mr. Ridgely,)
to strike out " which has been adopted by this
body," and insert ''relating to the court of
appeals." That will then leave the part of
the report relating to the court of appeals to
stand just as it is now.
Mr. RIDGELY. I will modify the order in
that way.
The question was upon the order as modi-
Mr. MAYHUGH. It seems to me that no two
gentlemen in this house understand whether
the whole of this report, or but a part of it,
is to go to this special committee, for them
to report upon as they please, or whether it
is to be left subject to the action which the
convention has bad upon it already. In my
own opinion, the business of the convention
will be much facilitated by our progressing
with this report as we have commenced, if
this committee make a report to-morrow, it
will be open to amendment just as the present
one is. And in order to facilitate the busi-
ness of the convention, I move that the order
offered by the gentleman from Baltimore
county (Mr. Ridgely) be laid upon the table
Upon this question, Mr. RIDGELY called for
the yeas and nays, which were ordered.
The question being taken, by yeas and
nays, it resulted—yeas 34, nays 23—as fol-
Yeas—Messrs, Billingsley, Blackiston, Bris-
coe, Bond, Brown, Chambers, Cunningham
Daniel, Dellinger, Dent, Edelen, Gale, Hod-
son, Hollyday, Hopper, Horsey, Lee,' May-
hugh, Mitchell, Miller, Morgan, Murray, Par-
ran, Pugh, Purnell, Russell, Sands, Schley
Smith, of Carroll, Smith, of Worcester
Swope, Sykes, Thruston, Turner—34.
Nays—Messrs. Abbott, Annan, Audoun
Carter, Cushing, Earle, Ecker, Galloway
Hebb, Keefer, Kennard, King, McComas
Mullikin, Negley, Nyman, Parker, Ridgely,
Robinette. Stirling, Thomas, Wooden, Wick
The motion to lay the order on the table
was accordingly agreed to. |
Mr. CHAMBERS moved that the convention
do now adjourn.
Upon this question Mr. STIRLING called for
the yeas and nays, which were ordered.
The question being then taken, by yeas
and nays, it resulted—yeas 31, nays 23—as
Yeas—Messrs. Billingsley, Blackiston,
Brown, Chambers, Cunningham, Dellinger,
Dent, Edelen, Gale, Hollyday, Hopper, Hor-
sey, Kennard, King, Lee, Mayhugh, Mitchell,
Miller, Morgan, Mullikin, Murray, Parker, *
Parran, Russell, Sands, Smith, of Carroll,.
Smith, of Worcester, Swope, Sykes, Thrus-
ton, Turner—31.
Nays—Messrs. Abbott, Annan. Audoun,
Carter, Cushing, Daniel, Earle, Ecker, Gal-.
loway, Hebb, Keefer, McComas, Negley, Ny-
man, Pugh, Purnell, Ridgely, Robinette,
Schley, Stirling, Thomas, Wickard, Wooden
-23: <
The motion was accordingly agreed to,
Mr. KENNARD,' when his name was called,
said: I would be perfectly willing to remain
here if I thought it would promote the business
of the convention. But I am convinced,
from the discussion we have already had,
that we can do nothing more here to-night.
1 therefore vote " aye."
Mr. THRUSTON, when his name was called,
said: I would, be perfectly willing to stay
here, if I thought any good would result
from a prolongation of our session to-night.
But, judging from the temper of the house, 1
do not think any practical result can be ob-
tained by remaining here longer, and there-
fore I vote "aye,"
The convention accordingly adjourned.
WEDNESDAY, August 24,1864.
The convention met. at ten o'clock, A, M„
(Mr. PUGH in the chair.)
Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Owen.
The roll was called, and the following mem-
bers answered to their names :
Messrs. Goldsborough, President; Abbott,
Annan, Audoun, Belt, Billingsley, Blackis-
ton, Bond, Briscoe, Brown, Carter, Cunning-
ham, Cushing, Daniel, Dellinger, Dent, Du-
vall, Ecker, Edelen, Farrow, Gale, Galloway,
Hatch, Hebb, Hodson, Hoffman Hollyday,
Hopkins, Hopper, Horsey, Johnson, Jones,
of Cecil, Keefer, Kennard, Larsh, Lee, May-
hugh, McComas, Mitchell, Miller, Morgan,
Mullikin, Murray, Negley, Nyman, Parker,
Parran, Pugh, Purnell, Ridgely, Robinette,
Russell, Schley, Smith, of Carroll, Smith, of,
Worcester, Sneary, Stirling, Stockbridge,'
Swope, Sykes, Thomas, Thruston Turner,
Valliant, Wickard, Wooden—66.
The journal of yesterday was read and ap-
proved. |