Remarks thereon, Vol. I, 82, 83
Rights, Bill of, remarks on the. Vol. I,
WEIGHERS, GAUGERS, &c., Vol. II, 844
WELLS, GEORGE, of Anne Arundel
Vol. I.
44, 112, 113, 233, 252, 267, 290,
296, 301, 310 312, 410, 429, 442, 479
Vol. 2.
11, 199, 549, 559, 620, 716, 717,
728, 742, 758, 783, 804, 841, 855
Absentees, remarks on the Order relat-
ing to, Vol. I, 44
Attorney General and his Deputies, re-
marks on the Report on the office
of the, Vol. II, 11
Constitution, remarks on the Order con-
cerning the printing and circulation
of copies of the amended, Vol. II, 804
Convention, remarks concerning the ex-
penses of the, Vol. II, 758
Corporations, report, (verbal) .from the
Committee on, Vol. II, 716, 717
Debates, amendment to the order con-
cerning the bound copies of the Re-
gister of, Vol. II, 742
Legislative report, remarks on the,
Vol. I, 252, 310, 312, 410
Amendments to the, Vol. I, 267, 301, 310, 312
Order concerning the pay of Benjamin
Hopkins, Vol. II, 620
Reports and Resolutions from the Com-
mittee on Accounts, in favor of the
payment of certain accounts therein
mentioned. Vol. II, 717, 841
Report from the same Committee asking
for instructions in relation to certain
accounts, Vol. II, 841
Report and resolution in favor of the
Librarian, Vol. II, 841
Rights, Bill of, remarks on the, Vol. I, 233
Statement concerning the cause of the
absence of Judge Dorsey, Vol. II, 549
WELSH, THOMAS J., of Baltimore
County, Vol. II, 245, 267,608
Order concerning the absence of Mr.
Chandler, Vol. II, 267
Order relating lo persons refusing to do
military duty, Vol. II, 504
WHEELER, HENRY G. [See Reporter
County, Vol. I, 43, 113, 126,506,
Vol. II, 242,717
Resolution requesting the State Trea-
surer to furnish copies of his Annu-
al Report, Vol. I, 126
WISCONSIN, Communication from the
Superintendent of Public instruc-
tion in the State of, Vol. I, 177
WOOTERS JAMES T., Communication
from, Vol. I, 88
WRECK-MASTER, Vol. II, 839, 840
WRIGHT HENRY E„ of Queen Anne's
county, Vol. I, 123, 396, 397,400,
516, Vol. II, 636, 642, 769, 856 |
Legislative Report, remarks on the,
Vol. I, 400
Licenses, remarks on the Report of the
Select Committee on the subject of,
Vol. II, 856
Petition presented by, Vol. I, 516
Recess, remarks on the Resolution for a
daily. Vol. II, 642
Rights, Bill of, remarks on the. Vol. I, 154
Vol. I.
On the amendment of Mr. Chambers,
of Kent, to Elective Franchise
Report, (inserted, also, by error
at page 26,) 28
On laying on table resolution of Mr.
Brent, of Baltimore city, relative
to Absentees, 33
On Mr. Ridgely's amendment there-
to, 34
On Mr. Phelps' amendment to Elec-
tive Franchise, 36,40
On Mr. Kilgour's amendment, 41
On the motion to re-consider the
vote on the Order of Mr. Brent,
of Baltimore city, in relation to
Absentees, 43
On laying said Order and amend-
ments on the table, 59
On laying on table Order as to hour
of meeting, 66
On Mr. Phelps' amendment to Elective
Franchise, 73
On Mr. Dorsey's amendment to
Elective Franchise, 75
On amending 23d Rule, 77
On laying on table Order of Mr.
Brent, of Baltimore city, concern-
ing Rules, and prohibiting the
Convention resolving itself into
Committee of the Whole, 105
On postponing the consideration of
Mr. Merrick's Report on the Rep-
resentation Question, 109
On referring said Report, 110
On re-committing it, 119
On Mr. Blakistone instructions, 122
On Mr, Thawley's Order concern-
ing extra copies of the Journal, 131
On laying whole subject of Repre-
sentation on the table, 136
On Mr. Hicks' amendment to Bill
of Rights, concerning the right of
secession, 156
On Mr. Dorsey's amendment as to
mode of changing government, 186
On Mr. Presstman's amendment, 186
On Mr. Kilgour's amendment re-
specting poll-taxes, 187
On Mr. Dorsey's amendment con-
cerning challenge to Jurors, 191
On Mr. Dirickson's amendment giv-
ing the closing address to counsel
of accused party, 192
On the amendment of Mr. Brent, of
Baltimore city, as to the law and
evidence in criminal trials, 194 |