Mr. Dorsey, then withdrew the 2nd branch of said substitute.
The question then recurred upon the adoption of the amend-
ment as offered by Mr. John Newcomer;
Mr. Tuck, offered as a substitute for said amendment, the fol
"The House of Delegates shall be composed of seventy three
members,—each county and the city of Baltimore shall have one
member for territory, and one additional rue mimer for every nine
thousand in habitants, and one addi tional mem ber for every fraction
Over one hal f of the said rat io of o ne t housand accord ing to the
census of 1850; provided that no county or city shall have a larger
delegation than one-twelfth of all the members. That is to
Allegany county, shall have 4
Anne Arundel county 3
Howard county 2
Baltimore county 6
Carroll county, 3
Caroline county 2
Calvert county 2
Cecil county 3
Charles county 3
Dorchester county 3
Frederick county 6
Harford county 3
Kent county 2
Monrgomery county 3
Prince George's county 3
Queen Anne's county 3
Saint Mary's county 3
Somerset county 3
Talbot county 3
Washington county 4
Worcester county 3
Baltimore city 6
Total 73
Which was read.
Mr. Miller, moved for a division of the question on said substi
tute, so that the question be taken on that part of said substi
tute to the word "territory'' inclusive; -
The chair stated as his opinion, that the substitute was not Ca
pable of division, and therefore ruled the motion out of order.
At 20 minutes past 3 o'clock, P. M.,
Mr. Phelps, moved that the Convention adjourn;
Determined in the negative.
The question th en recurred on the adoption of the substitute as
offered by Mr. Tuck.