XV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the deed of trusts heretofore executed by
William Smith to Le-
nox Martin and Thomas Morton, and the deed of trust heretofore executed
by Samuel Williamsto
Lenox Martin, Hardage Lane and Thomas Morton, for the benefit of their
creditors, be and the
same is hereby established and confirmed, and shall not operate to
prevent them, or either of them,
from the benefit of this act, on compliance with the other requisites
XVI. AND BE IT ENACTED, That Allaire Creuze, of Baltimore county, shall
be entitled to re-
ceive the full relief and benefit by this act granted to the petitioners
herein before mentioned, on
her complying with all the rules and conditions of such petitioners
required, except that the said
Allaire Creuze shall not required to produce to the chancellor any
evidence of her being a citizen
either of this state or of the United States.
XVII. AND BE IT ENACTED, That each insolvent debtor, at the time of
his application to the
chancery court for relief, shall pay to the register of the court of
chancery the sum of five dollars,
to be paid to the chancellor.
XVIII. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all proceedings in chancery under this
act shall be recorded
by the register, who shall be entitled to the same fees as are fixed
by law for services in other cases,
which shall be paid at the time of obtaining the discharge.
XIX. AND BE IT ENACTED, That in all appointments of trustees under this
act by the chan-
cellor, in the room of any person before appointed, the chancellor
shall consult the creditors, and
govern himself by the choice of a majority of them in value, unless
upon notice being given by public
advertisement, or in such manner as he shall think reasonable, the
said creditors shall neglect to
make such choice.
An ACT to aid and revive the proceedings of the court of appeals.
Lib. JG. No. 3. fol. 361.
WHEREAS by reason of the indisposition of some of the judges at June
and November terms
last, several causes standing for trial and argument on points of considerable
went off the docket without being decided;
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That each and
every cause standing for
trial at November term, on thousand seven hundred and ninety-eight,
and June term, one thousand
seven hundred and ninety-nine, and which for the reason aforesaid hath
gone off the docket unde-
cided by the court, shall be and the same are, and each of them hereby
is, reinstated, and placed on
the docket, and under the jurisdiction of the court, and shall continue,
unless sooner determined,
until the end of June term, one thousand eight hundred; and the said
court are hereby authorised,
at their next meeting, to make any entry or entries on their docket
for the purpose of reviving and
reinstating such cases, and placing the same in the like situation
as when they went off the docket by
reason of the non-attendance of the said judges; provided, that nothing
herein contained shall be
construed to affect any judgment rendered by order of the said court.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That when any judgment has been entered by the
consent of the par-
ties, or their counsel, and the whole of the judges of the said court
have not attended, the said
judgment shall be good and valid to all intents and purposes whatever.
IV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That any one judge of said court shall hereafter
have full power and
authority, by and with the consent of the parties, or their counsel,
in any cause, to render judgment,
or to make any entry or order therein; and shall and may adjourn the
said court from time to time,
until a sufficient number of the said judges shall attend for hearing
and determining the respective
causes depending in the said court.
A Further supplement to the act, * entitled, An act for the better
administration of justice in the several counties of this
state. Lib.
JG. No. 3. fol. 362.
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That each associate
justice, appointed and
commissioned in virtue of the act to which this is a supplement, shall
receive as a compensation
for |
Deeds establish-
ed, &c.
A. Creuze to
be entitled, &c.
Debtors to pay,
Proceedings to
be recorded,
Creditors to be
consulted, &c.
Passed 3d of
Jan. 1800.
Causes rein-
stated, &c.
Judgment en-
tered to be
good, &c.
One judge may
render judg-
ment, &c.
* 1796, ch. 43.
allowed. |