VOTES and PROCEEDINGS, November, 1799.
with interest from the seventeenth day of May, seventeen hundred and
eighty-two, in case the
said certificate should at any time hereafter be produced at the treasury
office, or payment therefor
Sent to the senate by the clerk.
The house adjourns till to-morrow morning 9 o'clock.
Y, November 20, 1799.
THE house met. Present the same members as
on yesterday, except Mr. Mackall. The proceedings
of yesterday were read.
The speaker laid before the house a letter of the 19th
instant from the governor, enclosing
a letter from George Washington, Esquire, respecting the barracks at Frederick-town;
were read.
A petition from William H. Buell, of the city
of Baltimore, praying an act of insolvency,
was preferred, read, and referred to the committee appointed on petitions
of a similar nature.
Mr. Carroll appeared in the house.
The house took into consideration the order of the day,
respecting the election of delegates
for Baltimore county, and after examining witnesses at the bar of the house,
the question was
put on the following, viz. RESOLVED, That Alexis Lemmon, Elias Brown,
James Carroll and
Thomas Love, Esquires, persons returned by the sheriff of Baltimore county
as delegates for said county
in the general assembly of Maryland for the ensuing year, are entitled
to hold their seats in this
house? Determined in the negative.
RESOLVED, That the speaker acquaint Alexis Lemmon, Elias
Brown, James Carroll and
Thomas Love, Esquires, that this house dispense with their further attendance.
RESOLVED, That the speaker issue his warrant to the
sheriff of Baltimore county to hold a new
election for four delegates to represent the said county, returnable
on or before the tenth day of
December next.
On motion, ORDERED, That Mr. Johonnot, Mr. Key, Mr.
Taney, Mr. Edmondson and Mr.
McPherson, be a committee to tax the costs which have accrued respecting
the election of delegates
for Baltimore county.
Mr. William Barroll, a delegate returned for Kent county,
appeared, and after qualifying in
the mode prescribed by the constitution and form of government, and taking
the oath to support
the constitution of the United States, took his seat in the house.
The order of the day, respecting the petition of Thomas
Contee, is postponed till to-morrow
The house adjourns till to-morrow morning 9 o'clock.
S D A Y,
November 21, 1799.
THE house met. Present the same members as
on yesterday. The proceedings of yesterday
were read. Mr. Boon has leave of absence till Monday next.
A petition from Solomon Bartlett, and others, of Caroline
county, praying an act may pass
for laying out a road leading from Solomon Bartlett's mills, by Thomas
Watkins's plantation, until
it intersects the main road in or near the plantation of Edward Wright,
and one other road
leading from said mills, on the north-east side of Nanticoke river, to
Federalsburgh, was preferred,
read, and referred to Mr. Potter, Mr. Orrell and Mr. Mason, to consider
and report thereon.
Mr. Turner, from the committee, brings in and delivers
to the speaker a bill, entitled, An
act for the relief of William Dent Beall, of Montgomery county; which was
read the first and
second time by especial order, passed, and sent to the senate by the
The report on the petition of sundry inhabitants of
the city and county of Baltimore was read
a second time, concurred with, and leave given to bring in a bill pursuant
thereto. ORDERED,
that the committee appointed on the said petition prepare and bring in
the same.
ORDERED, That Mr. Addison be added to the said committee.
A petition from Thomas Berry and William Read, of Kent
county, praying an act may pass
for establishing the will of Thomas Bardon, was preferred, read, and referred
to Mr. Barroll,
Mr. Tilghman and Mr. Taney, to consider and report thereon.
Petitions from Walter S. Huntt and John Brice, of the
city of Baltimore, Hyland Gears, of
Kent county, Joseph McHard, of Queen-Anne's county, and John G. Hobbs,
of Montgomery
county, praying acts of insolvency, were preferred, read, and referred
to the committee appointed
petitions of a similar nature.
Mr. Goldsborough, from the committee, brings in and
delivers to the speaker a bill, entitled,
An act to lay off and open a certain public road in Talbot county; which
was read the first time
and ordered to lie on the table.
On motion, Leave given to bring in a bill to correct
a mistake in an act, entitled, An act for
the relief of Andrew Buchanan, and to confirm all proceedings had, or hereafter
to be had, under
an act and a certain deed of trust therein referred to. ORDERED,
That Mr. Tilghman, Mr.
Worthington and Mr. Digges, be a committee to prepare and bring in the
A report on the petition of sundry inhabitants of Allegany
county was read the second time,
concurred with and leave given to bring in a bill pursuant thereto.
ORDERED, That the committee
appointed on the said petition prepare and bring in the same.