power to appoint one officer at a salary of six hundred dollars
per annum, one engineer at a salary of eight hundred dollars
per annum, and one assistant engineer at a salary of six hun-
dred dollars per annum, one pilot at a salary of thirtv-
five dollars per month during the oyster season, and
thirty dollars per month during the closed season; two
seamen, two firemen and one cook at a salary of thirty
dollars per month each, and each deputy commander of the
said vessel shall receive a salary of seven hundred dollars per
annum, and each deputy commander of the said vessels shall
have the power to appoint one officer at a salary of five hun-
dred dollars per annum and three seamen at a salary of thirty-
five dollars each per month during the oyster season and
thirty dollars per month during the closed season, except the
deputy commander of the second guard boat of the Second
District, who shall receive fifty dollars per month for the year,
and he shall appoint a mate at a salary of forty dollars per
month and two seamen at a salary of thirty dollars each per
month, each to be selected from the district in which they are
respectively to serve.
Salary of
and other
45. The commander of said force shall have the control and
direction of said force under the supervision of the Board of
Public Works, with power to direct its movements, and shall
have an office, to which place all complaints and applications
for assistance shall be addressed, and it shall be his duty to
have kept an itemized account of all expenses and disburse-
ments of said force, and report monthly to the Board of Pub-
lic Works. The said commander shall be permitted to have
a clerk at a salary not exceeding seven hundred dollars per
annum; said clerk shall remain at the office in Annapolis and
issue, by power, all orders necessary for the proper mainte-
nance and supply of said force; he shall, as often as practica-
ble, hold consultations with said commander, and take orders
from him for the duties which he is to perform, and in the
absence of said commander he shall, as required by the said
commander, report fully to the Board of Public Works.
Control and
of force.
46 A. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons or cor-
poration to locate or appropriate any natural bar or bed of
oysters by certificate, as provided in Section forty-six of this
Article, and such unlawful location is hereby declared a mis-
demeanor, and upon conviction before a court of competent
jurisdiction or justice of the peace, there shall be a fine of not
less than fifty dollars or imprisonment for not more than three
months, or both fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of
the court.
Unlawful to
locate or
any bed of
oysters, etc.